Terraform can be used to manage your infrastructure in the EGI Federated Cloud, but it requires a few configuration steps. This guide explains two methods:
- Using fedcloud-tf. For convenience, a script called fedcloud-tf has been created, which is all that is needed to use Terraform on Fedcloud. This script has been prepared to be used on Ubuntu.
- Manual configuration. Alternatively, the necessary steps required to manually configure the environment are described below.
Other useful commands are described at the end of this document.
Note that the management of Fedcloud infrastructure requires authentication via EGI Check-in.
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The script can be downloaded from this repository. Just assign it execution permissions and run it. This script will help you to do all necessary tasks to configure Terraform access to the providers. Run the script with no parameters to obtain help information.
The usual steps are:
The script needs Python 3 installed, an apt-based system such as Ubuntu, and Bash 4 or newer. It has been tested on Ubuntu 21.10 and Terraform v1.1.7.
./fedcloud-tf install
This will install oidc-agent, fedcloudclient, pip and Openstack Python client. Before installing any of these packages, you will be asked for confirmation:
Installing oidc-agent...
> oidc-agent will be installed. Continue? ('no' will skip) [y/n]:
The installation of oidc-agent will open a Web browser for you to login via EGI Check-in. You will be asked to provide a password to protect your credentials. This step has to be done only once.
./fedcloud-tf list
This will list sites and VOs available for you. This command is only necessary if you do not know the names of the site and VO you will use to manage your infrastructure.
i@tckr:~$ ./fedcloud-tf list
VO id Name enabled site
------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------- --------- ----------------
vo.access.egi.eu 995cb1ff4684a536a15ebb338af69460 VO:vo.access.egi.eu True IFNET-LCG2
training.egi.eu f18880134d04536a964097524eace710 VO:training.egi.eu True IFNET-LCG2
vo.access.egi.eu 3a8e179d66e64005bf19b536adf7743d vo.access.egi.eu True CESILM
vo.nextgeoss.eu b1d2ef2cc2281157bcde21cf4ab141e3 vo.nextgeoss.eu True CESILM
vo.notebooks.egi.eu fcaf211c536a405694e7494a59ee5f09 vo.notebooks.egi.eu True CESILM
So, for example, the site CESILM
and the VO vo.access.egi.eu
can be used.
./fedcloud-tf resources <site> <vo>
This command requires the site and VO names, which were obtained in the previous step (list argument). The resources argument will create a file in the current directory with Terraform variables with all images and flavours available at the provider. Such file will look like:
locals {
img-2fd37 = "2d22ecb3b-4467-801a-a668214830c" # Image for EGI Docker [Ubuntu/18.04/VirtualBox]
img-4ee18 = "d313660ef-371a-ac51-0e151830c40" # Image for CernVM4 [CentOS/7/OpenstackRAW]
img-d2fe0 = "c03de8720-d88a-4939232830c489b8" # Image for CernVM4 [CentOS/7/QEMU-KVM]
img-1f4d1 = "1000afdbf-4f4e-a34f-7fd18f27283" # Image for EGI CentOS 8 [CentOS/8/VirtualBox]
flv-1c243 = "1" # m1.tiny [CPU] 1 [RAM] 512 [DISK] 0
flv-a62b3 = "2" # m1.small [CPU] 1 [RAM] 2000 [DISK] 10
Image IDs are prefixed with img whereas flavour IDs are prefixed with flv.
You can reference the corresponding IDs (e.g. img-2fd37
) from your Terraform files.
In general terms, this is the only step that has to be performed routinely, the rest can be part of the intial setup. Once your Terraform scripts have the reference to the IDs you wish to use, there are two options:
Option A)
eval `./fedcloud-tf setup <site> <vo>`
This will setup the necessary access token for the provider in an environment variable. Afterwards, you can run your Terraform commands as usual: terraform apply, etc.
Note that, normally, the requested token will last for one hour, so if you run Terraform after this time it will be necessary to run the eval
command above again.
Option B)
./fedcloud-tf tf <site> <vo> <Terraform_parameters>
This runs the Terraform command directly with all parameters specified after the VO. It will setup the necessary access token for the provider only for the time this command is run. For example: ./fedcloud-tf tf CESILM vo.access.egi.eu apply -var-file="testing.tfvars"
- The script does not use Python Virtual Environments, which might be desired in some situations.
- The script does not install IGTF certificates, which are necessary to access some providers. A robust solution is being studied, so please contact the author if this is needed.
An example of a simple main.tf
is provided.
To display the help, run:
i@tckr:~$ chmod a+x fedcloud-tf
i@tckr:~$ ./fedcloud-tf
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888 "Y8888 "Y88888 "Y8888P 888 "Y88P" "Y88888 "Y88888 "Y888 888
Script to support Terraform use on Fedcloud infrastructure
Version: 22MAR-03
Contact: EGI Foundation.
install Installs the software needed to use Terraform in the EGI
infrastructure. This installation consists of OIDC-agent
and Fedcloud.
OIDC-agent will require you to log in into your Check-in
account (this is a one-time process).
To install Fedcloud you will need to have Python already
list Lists the providers and VOs available for the user.
resources <site> <vo> Creates a file of Terraform variables containing all possible
images and flavours available for use at the specified provider.
Note that the file is named after the site and vo and is
overwritten if it exists.
setup <site> <vo> Outputs the export of variables "OS_AUTH_URL" and "OS_TOKEN"
containing the provider endpoint and a requested token.
This should normally be used with eval (see example below).
tf <site> <vo> * Configures the endpoint and token and runs terraform with any
argument supplied after the <vo> argument (see example below).
The usual way to use this script is:
- Run "./fedcloud-tf install" to have all components installed. This has to be done only once.
- Run "./fedcloud-tf list" anytime you need to see which providers and VOs you can use.
Once you know the site name and VO name you do not need to run this command again.
- With the site and VO names, run "./fedcloud-tf resources <site> <vo>" to have a file with
Terraform variables created for you. Open this file and obtain the IDs that you
wish to use in your Terraform scripts. You only need to run this command again
if the site has new or updated images or if you want to access another site or VO.
Note that all these variable files will be automatically loaded by Terraform if they
are in your current directory.
- To run Terraform, you have two options:
a) Run "eval `./fedcloud-tf setup <site> <vo>`" first and then run your Terraform commands
as usual. The eval command requests an access token that is normally valid for one hour,
so it will have to be run again anytime you use Terraform and the token is expired.
b) Run Terraform through "./fedcloud-tf tf <site> <vo> <Terraform_parameters>". This automatically
requests a new access token every time and calls terraform with any parameter supplied.
Usage examples
./fedcloud-tf install
Installs the required components
./fedcloud-tf list
Outputs the list of providers and VOs available for your user
./fedcloud-tf resources PROV vo.access.egi.eu
Generates the file "PROV-vo.access.egi.eu.tf" (overwriting contents!)
containing Terraform variables for a specific provider, which can be
referenced from your Terraform files.
eval `./fedcloud-tf setup PROV vo.access.egi.eu`
Configures the access to a provider with the environment variables
"OS_AUTH_URL" and "OS_TOKEN" used by Terraform. After this,
you can run your Terraform commands as usual.
This command requests a token that will typically last for 1h.
The command will have to be run again if the token is expired.
./fedcloud-tf tf PROV vo.access.egi.eu apply
Runs a terraform apply, after requesting a token from a provider.
This is an alternative to using the "./fedcloud-tf setup" command, as it
basically runs a setup command internally and then calls the
"terraform" command with any additional parameters.
./fedcloud-tf tf PROV vo.access.egi.eu apply -var-file="testing.tfvars"
Runs a terraform apply -var-file="testing.tfvars".
The installation steps must be run only once.
As explained in the oidc-agent documentation.
eval `oidc-keychain`
oidc-gen --pub --issuer https://aai.egi.eu/oidc \
--scope "email \
eduperson_entitlement \
eduperson_scoped_affiliation \
eduperson_unique_id" egi
As explained in the fedcloudclient documentation.
NOTE: By default, fedcloud
executable might be installed in ~/.local/bin/fedcloud
by pip.
Fedcloudclient can be easily run via Docker too:
docker run --rm -it -v ~/.config/oidc-agent/egi:/root/.config/oidc-agent/egi tdviet/fedcloudclient bash
[In container] eval `oidc-keychain --accounts egi` && export OIDC_AGENT_ACCOUNT=egi
As explained in Openstack documentation.
Ubuntu has apt packages available (see the "Client installation" section).
fedcloud endpoint vos -a
This provides the official names of the site and the VO in which the infrastructure will be managed with Terraform.
fedcloud endpoint list --site <site>
The endpoint is necessary for Terraform auth_url attribute.
fedcloud openstack image list --site <site> --vo <vo>
fedcloud openstack flavor list --site <site> --vo <vo>
fedcloud select image --image-specs Name --site <site> --vo <vo>
fedcloud select flavor --flavor-specs Name --site <site> --vo <vo>
This will give the IDs that have to be used inside Terraform scripts.
fedcloud openstack --site <site> --vo <vo> token issue -c id -f value
The token is necessary for Terraform token attribute.
Finally, Terraform can be called with all the information obtained from the commands described above:
- Site endpoint
- Site access token
- Image and flavour IDs
Note that only Steps (8) and (9) will have to be conducted on regular basis.
oidc-add -l
oidc-token --env
fedcloud token check --oidc-access-token `oidc-token egi`
printf '%(%F %T)T\n' `oidc-token --env $OIDC_AGENT_ACCOUNT | grep -oP '(?<=OIDC_EXP=).*?(?=;)'` )
oidc-gen egi --reauthenticate