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Report Queries

Customizing how Operator Metering generates reports is done using a custom resource called a ReportQuery.

These ReportQuery resources control the SQL queries that can be used to produce a report. When writing a report you can specify the query it will use by setting the spec.query field to of any ReportQuery in the reporting-operator's namespace.


  • query: A SQL SELECT statement. This SQL statement supports go templates and provides additional custom functions specific to Operator Metering (defined in the templating section below).
  • columns: A list of columns that match the schema of the results of the query. The order of these columns must match the order of the columns returned by the SELECT statement. Columns have 3 fields, name, type, and unit. Each field is covered in more detail below.
    • name: This is the name of the column returned in the SELECT statement.
    • type: This is the Presto column type.
    • unit: Unit refers to the unit of measurement of the column.
    • tableHidden: Takes a boolean, when true, hides the column from report results depending on the format and endpoint. See api docs for details.
  • inputs: A list of inputs this report query accepts to control its behavior. For more in depth details, see the query inputs section.
    • name: The name used to refer to the input in the Report or ScheduledReport spec.inputs and within the queries template variables (see below).
    • required: A boolean indicating if this input is required for the query to run. Defaults to false.
    • type: An optional type indicating what data type this input takes. Available options are string, time, and int, ReportDataSource, ReportQuery, and Report. If left empty, it defaults to string. For more details, see the query input types section.
    • default: An optional default value to use if unspecified.


Because much of the type of analysis being done depends on user-input, and because we want to enable users to re-use queries with copying & pasting things around, Operator Metering supports the go templating language to dynamically generate the SQL statements contained within the spec.query field of ReportQuery. For example, when generating a report, the query needs to know what time range to consider when producing a report, so this is information is exposed within the template context as variables you can use and reference with various template functions. Most of these functions are for referring to other resources such as ReportDataSources or ReportQueries as either tables, views, or sub-queries, and for formatting various types for use within the SQL query.

Template variables

  • Report: This object has two fields, ReportingStart and ReportingEnd which are the value of the spec.reportingStart and spec.reportingEnd for a Report. For a Report with a spec.schedule set, the values map to the specific period being collected when the Report runs.
    • ReportingStart: A time.Time object that is generally used to filter the results of a SELECT query using a WHERE clause.
    • ReportingEnd: A time.Time object that is generally used to filter the results of a SELECT query using a WHERE clause. Built-in queries select datapoints matching ReportingStart <= timestamp > ReportingEnd.
    • Inputs: This is a map[string]interface{} of inputs passed in via the Report's spec.inputs. The values type is based on the report queries input definition type, and defaults to string unless the input's name is ReportingStart or ReportingEnd, in which case it's converted to a time.Time automatically.

Query Inputs

Within the template context, the .Report.Inputs template variable contains a map where each key is the name of an input defined by the ReportQuery's spec.inputs. The value of an input depends on a if the user specified a value in their Report or ReportDataSource, or if there is a default value defined.

  • Depending on what is referencing the ReportQuery: The value comes from a Report's spec.inputs or from a ReportDataSource's spec.reportQueryView.inputs.
  • If not provided, it will use the default value as defined the ReportQuery's spec.inputs, if one exists.
  • Otherwise: the zero value for the type, according to Go's zero value rules.
Query Input types

Each input can have a different type, which determines how the input should be processed.

Available options are string, time, and int, ReportDataSource, ReportQuery, and Report. If left empty, it defaults to varchar.

For each of these types, the behavior varies:

  • string: A string value is passed through as a Go string.
  • time: A string value is parsed as an RFC3339 timestamp. Within the template context, the variable with be a Go time.Time object.
  • int: An int value is passed through as a Go int.
  • ReportDataSource: A string value referencing the name of a ReportDataSource within the same namespace as the query. When this query is referenced by a Report or ReportDataSource, all ReportDataSource inputs are validated by checking that all the ReportDataSources specified exist.
  • ReportQuery: A string value referencing the name of a ReportQuery within the same namespace as the query. When this query is referenced by a Report or ReportDataSource, all ReportQuery inputs are validated by checking that all the ReportQueries specified exist.
  • Report: A string value referencing the name of a Report within the same namespace as the query. When this query is referenced by a Report or ReportDataSource, all Report inputs are validated by checking that all the Reports specified exist.
Specifying Inputs

Below is an example of a ReportQuery spec.inputs input definitions configuration.

- name: a_string_input
  type: string
- name: a_int_input
  type: int
- name: a_time_input
  type: time
- name: a_datasource_input
  type: ReportDataSource
- name: a_reportquery_input
  type: ReportQuery
- name: a_report_input
  type: Report

Next is an example of specifying input values for the definitions above that might be specified in a Report's spec.inputs or from a ReportDataSource's spec.reportQueryView.inputs:

- name: a_string_input
  value: "helloworld"
- name: a_int_input
  value: 47
- name: a_time_input
  value: '2019-10-09T00:00:00Z'
- name: a_datasource_input
  value: "pod-usage-cpu-cores" # must be the name of a ReportDataSource that exists in the namespace of the resource.
- name: a_reportquery_input
  value: "namespace-cpu-usage" # must be the name of a ReportQuery that exists in the namespace of the resource.
- name: a_report_input
  value: "namespace-cpu-usage-hourly" # must be the name of a Report that exists in the namespace of the resource.

Template functions

Below is a list of the available template functions and descriptions on what they do.

  • dataSourceTableName: Takes a one argument, a string referencing a ReportDataSource by name, and outputs a string which is the corresponding table name of the ReportDataSource specified.
  • reportTableName: Takes a one argument, a string referencing a Report by name, and outputs a string which is the corresponding table name of the Report specified.
  • renderReportQuery: Takes two arguments, a string referencing a ReportQuery by name, the template context (usually this is just . in the template), and returns a string containing the specified ReportQuery in its rendered form, using the 2nd argument as the context for the template rendering.
  • prestoTimestamp: Takes a time.Time object as the argument, and outputs a string timestamp. Usually this is used on .Report.ReportingStart and .Report.ReportingEnd.
  • prometheusMetricPartitionFormat: Takes a time.Time object as the argument, and outputs a string in the form of year-month-day, eg: 2006-01-02. Usually this is used on .Report.ReportingStart and .Report.ReportingEnd.
  • billingPeriodFormat: Takes a time.Time object as the argument, and outputs a string timestamp that can be used for comparing to awsBilling an ReportDataSource's partition_start and partition_stop columns.

In addition to the above functions, the reporting-operator includes all of the functions from Sprig - useful template functions for Go templates..

Example ReportQueries

Before going into examples, there's an important convention that all the built-in ReportQueries follow that is worth calling out, as these examples will demonstrate them heavily.

The convention I am referring to is the fact that there are quite a few ReportQueries suffixed with -raw in their These queries are not intended to be used by Reports, but are intended to be purely for re-use. Currently, these queries suffixed with -raw in their name are generally have no filtering and are used by ReportDataSources to create views. Additionally, -raw queries often expose complex types (array, maps) which are incompatible with Reports, which is why the ReportQueries that are not suffixed in -raw never expose those types in their columns list.

The example below is a built-in ReportQuery that is installed with Operator Metering by default. The query is not intended to be used by Reports, but instead is intended to be re-used by other ReportQueries, which is why it only does simple extraction of fields, and calculations.

The important things to note with this query is that it's querying a database table containing Prometheus metric data for the pod-request-memory-bytes ReportDataSource, and it's getting the table name using the dataSourceTableName template function.

kind: ReportQuery
  name: pod-memory-request-raw
    operator-metering: "true"
  - name: pod
    type: varchar
    unit: kubernetes_pod
  - name: namespace
    type: varchar
    unit: kubernetes_namespace
  - name: node
    type: varchar
    unit: kubernetes_node
  - name: labels
    tableHidden: true
    type: map<string, string>
  - name: pod_request_memory_bytes
    type: double
    unit: bytes
  - name: timeprecision
    type: double
    unit: seconds
  - name: pod_request_memory_byte_seconds
    type: double
    unit: byte_seconds
  - name: timestamp
    type: timestamp
    unit: date
  - name: dt
    type: varchar
  - name: PodRequestMemoryBytesDataSourceName
    type: ReportDataSource
    default: pod-request-memory-bytes
  query: |
    SELECT labels['pod'] as pod,
        labels['namespace'] as namespace,
        element_at(labels, 'node') as node,
        amount as pod_request_memory_bytes,
        amount * timeprecision as pod_request_memory_byte_seconds,
    FROM {| dataSourceTableName .Report.Inputs.PodRequestMemoryBytesDataSourceName |}
    WHERE element_at(labels, 'node') IS NOT NULL

This next example is also one of the built-in ReportQueries. This example, unlike the previous is designed to be used with Reports.

Modifying Columns For Report Display

You can modify the ReportQuery to display all columns or to hide or show columns as needed. The full endpoint displays all columns. To query report results using the reporting-operator API for full endpoint the api call is: This example is showing the namespace-cpu-request query in JSON format.

To use the TableHidden display feature:

  • enter TableHidden field in query as true or false. In node-cpu-capacity the labels tableHidden value is set to true.
  • Next run a report. To query report results using the reporting-operator API for tableHidden endpoint the api call is: