- This project's been created to be used in k8s articles, microservices as well in the feature, to give details to readers. I want to a reader to make some practices with my articles. You can easily apply the YAML file after doing prerequisites following the below section to check the project quickly. Basically, there are a couple of services that aim to fetch tech news from newsapi to show in the web app. Please check the components section to get insight into the project.
- If you’re using this sample application, please ★Star this repository to show your interest!
- It is implemented with Python to fetch the tech news from newsapi and write them down to activemq queue.
- This service is used to persist the data coming from newsapi in the queue. --> used by NewsTrackerProducer and NewsTrackerConsumer Services.
- It is implemented with golang to fetch the news from Activemq service and write them down to mongo db.
- It is used to persist news . --> used by Mongo-Express Service, NewsTrackerConsumer and NewsTrackerProducer Services.
- It is used to check Mongo DB via user interface.
- It is implemented with Spring Boot and SpringData MongoTemplate. The service serves the news data. --> used by NewsTrackerFE Service
- It is implemented with next.js. This service presents all news list which is coming from NewsTrackerApi service to the end user.
- Fetching news from newsapi and write them to activemq. --> by NewsTrackerProducer Service
- Consuming news from the activemq and put them into the mongo db. --> by NewsTrackerConsumer Service
- Fetching news data from the Mongo Db and expose them for the FE. --> by NewsTrackerApi Service
- Fetching the news from the NewsTrackerApi to show them to the end user in formatted web page. --> by NewsTrackerFE Service
- Install git : https://git-scm.com/downloads
- Install docker: https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/
- Install kubectl: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-kubectl/
- Install minikube: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-minikube/
- An API Key of newsapi is used to fetch the news. It is used by the News Producer Service. I already put my API key to the configuration. But this key is limited to 100 requests per day. I recommend you to get your own API key from newsapi-free :
- Don't forget
- Check the version compatibility of docker,kubectl and minikube
- Increase resources of docker in your local (Recommended resources : 4CPU & 5GB) .
The whole project was tested in a local env with :
- Kubernetes v1.18.3
- minikube v1.12.1 on Darwin 10.15.4
- Docker 19.03.2 ( Resources 4CPU & 5GB)
Execute commands to verify installation :
$ docker --version $ docker-compose --version $ docker-machine --version $ minikube version $ kubectl version
Start minikube
$ minikube start $ minikube status
Install all services to Kubernetes instance on minikube:
- Clone the project to your local :
$ git clone https://github.com/ErhanCetin/k8s-smooth-transition.git
- Check the minikube :
$ minikube status
- Open a terminal and go to k8s-smooth-transition/k8s/apps, you will see all-news-tracker-services
- Execute kubectl command to run all services up .
$ kubectl apply -f .
- Clone the project to your local :
---- > Installation is done.
- After installation steps , you should see resouces below in your local .
Pods Resources
$ kubectl get pods # ignore generated number in pods names.
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE activemq-deployment-5b8ff65958-mhdtr 1/1 Running 1 16m mongodb-stateful-0 1/1 Running 1 16m newsapi-deployment-b678b9b7f-f8v8q 1/1 Running 0 16m newsconsumer-deployment-7fb89b858b-lrttz 1/1 Running 0 16m newsfe-deployment-77756f7bd4-wnxfc 1/1 Running 0 16m newsmongdbexpress-deployment-589d48b946-fwv92 1/1 Running 0 24s newsproducer-cronjob-1605045660-sg227 0/1 Completed 0 66s -
Deployment Resources
$ kubectl get deployment
NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE activemq-deployment 1/1 1 1 41m newsapi-deployment 1/1 1 1 41m newsconsumer-deployment 1/1 1 1 41m newsfe-deployment 1/1 1 1 41m newsmongdbexpress-deployment 1/1 1 1 41m -
Service Resources
$ kubectl get svc
NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE activemq-service ClusterIP 8161/TCP,61613/TCP 25m kubernetes ClusterIP 443/TCP 28m mongodb-service ClusterIP None 27017/TCP 25m mongodbexpress-service ClusterIP 8081/TCP 25m newsapi-service ClusterIP 8080/TCP 25m newsfe-service NodePort 3000:30144/TCP 25m -
ConfigMap Resources
$ kubectl get svc
NAME DATA AGE activemq-configmap 3 30m mongodb-configmap 1 30m mongodbexpress-configmap 2 30m newsapi-configmap 3 30m newsconsumer-configmap 10 30m newsfe-configmap 3 30m newsproducer-configmap 11 30m -
Secret Resources
$ kubectl get secret
NAME TYPE DATA AGE activemq-admin-password Opaque 1 34m newsproducer-activemq-password Opaque 1 34m -
Cronjob Resource
$ kubectl get cronjob
NAME SCHEDULE SUSPEND ACTIVE LAST SCHEDULE AGE newsproducer-cronjob 0/1 * * * * False 1 14s 38m -
StatefulSet Resource
$ kubectl get statefulset
NAME READY AGE mongodb-stateful 1/1 40m -
Persistentvolume Resource
$ kubectl get persistentvolume
NAME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES RECLAIM POLICY STATUS CLAIM STORAGECLASS REASON AGE activemq-pv 100M RWO Retain Available 43m fee-pv 100M RWO Retain Available 43m pvc-e897f978-c911-4d6c-816b-dc608caf6bbb 100M RWO Delete Bound default/activemq-claim standard 43m pvc-f9be7acb-883d-4518-950b-b505eaf8c080 100M RWO Delete Bound default/fee-claim standard 43m -
PersistentVolumeClaim Resource
$ kubectl get persistentvolume
NAME STATUS VOLUME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES STORAGECLASS AGE activemq-claim Bound pvc-e897f978-c911-4d6c-816b-dc608caf6bbb 100M RWO standard 44m fee-claim Bound pvc-f9be7acb-883d-4518-950b-b505eaf8c080 100M RWO standard 44m
- Command below will open a browser for the tech news. Enjoy it.
$ minikube service newsfe-service
- check the browser , you should see the page below
Contact : erhancetin