Title: "On the design of quantum communication systems with non-Gaussian states"
Candidate: Federico Forzano
Supervisor: prof. Andrea Conti
Co-Supervisor: Ing. Stefano Guerrini
Quantum information science is opening doors to new technologies for the elaboration and the transmission of the informations. Those technologies are based on some peculiarities of the quantum mechanics such as the superposition, the entanglement and the indeterminancy principle. The ability to handle quantum mechanic properties will lead, in the foreseeable future, to design and implement innovative technologies. That is a very significant fact if we consider the increasingly computerization and necessity to be connected in our society. Communication will play a key role in this scenario, so it is essential to study and optimize an efficient and reliable quantum communication system. In this thesis are analyzed quantum communication systems based on non-classical and non- Gaussian states. In particulare we study systems with on-off keying (OOK) binary modulation and binary phase-shifting keying modulation in presence of the thermal noise. This study highlights how the use of PACSs and PASSs improves the performance.
You can find the pdf of the Thesis in the parents directory of this repository with the name "Thesis.pdf".
You can find more information about me in my Linkedin account:
Federico Forzano