Hi there 👋, I'm Felipe Lelis 👨💻
Hi, I'm a Software Engineer who is very fond of JavaScript and Python.
Stacks I've worked on: ReactJs,VueJs, NodeJs, Python, Go, Java, Solidity, Web3js, NextJs, Mongodb, TypeScript, MySQL, Tailwind, MUI, BootStrap, Jest, Mocha ...
- 🌱 I’m currently learning BlockChain, Solidity, WEb3, AWS Cloud Architect and much more!
- 💬 Ask me about anything related to JS, React, Redux, Node.(After googling it 😜😌)
- ⚡️ Fun-Fact: I sleep at 6am 🙃
- 🎿 Hobbies other than coding : Learning Machine Learning / Blockchain 😜, play games, sports and read some books 🤔🤖..
- 📫 How to reach me: [email protected]