This module creates and configures an SNS topic and multiple subscriptions
This repository is a READ-ONLY sub-tree split. See to create issues or submit pull requests.
module "basic_usage" {
source = ""
name = "demo-sns"
subscriptions = [
# endpoints will the same configuration should be grouped in the same object
# Sales and Marketing team gets notified whenever there is a cancelled order
protocol = "email"
endpoints = [
"[email protected]",
"[email protected]"
filter_policy = jsonencode(
event = ["order_cancelled"]
# all messages get sent to the analysis email
protocol = "email"
endpoints = [
"[email protected]"
Manages the data protection policy
module "data_protection_policy" {
source = ""
name = "demo-sns"
data_protection_policy = {
# The keys of the map will be the SID of each statement
statements = {
"audit_aws_secret_key" = {
data_direction = "Inbound"
data_identifiers = ["arn:aws:dataprotection::aws:data-identifier/AwsSecretKey"]
operation = {
audit = {
sample_rate = 10
destinations = {
s3_bucket_name = "test-bucket"
cloudwatch_log_group = "/aws/vendedlogs/test"
# Mask DB password with #
"mask_db_password" = {
data_direction = "Inbound"
data_identifiers = ["db-password"]
operation = {
deidentify = {
mask_with_character = "#"
configuration = {
custom_data_identifiers = {
db-password = "dbpass.*"
[since v1.0.0]The name of the SNS topic. All associated resources will also have their name prefixed with this value
access_policy = null
[since v1.0.0]Defines who can access the topic. By default, only the topic owner can publish or subscribe to the topic
additional_tags = {}
[since v1.0.0]Additional tags for the SNS topic
additional_tags_all = {}
[since v1.0.0]Additional tags for all resources deployed with this module
data_protection_policy = null
[since v1.0.0]Manages the data protection policy for this topic. Please see example
[since v1.0.0]Manages multiple statements in this policy
[since v1.0.0]The direction of messages to which this statement applies. Valid value:
[since v1.0.0]A list of data identifiers that represent sensitive data this statement applies to. Please refer to this documentation for the valid values. Can also include names specified in the
[since v1.0.0]The operation to trigger upon finding sensitive data as specified by this statement. You must specify one and only one of the following:
audit = null
[since v1.0.0]Audit matching sensitive data and send audit result to a destination
[since v1.0.0]The percentage of messages to audit for sensitive information. Valid value: between
[since v1.0.0]The AWS services to send the audit finding results. Must specificy at least one of the following:
cloudwatch_log_group = null
[since v1.0.0]The Cloudwatch log group to send audit results to
firehose_delivery_stream = null
[since v1.0.0]The name of a Kinese Firehose Delivery Stream to send audit results to
s3_bucket_name = null
[since v1.0.0]The name of an S3 bucket to send audit results to
deidentify = null
[since v1.0.0]De-identify matching sensitive data by either redacting them or masking them with a specific character. Must specify one and only one of the following:
mask_with_character = null
[since v1.0.0]Replaces the data with single characters. All printable ASCII characters except delete are supported
redact = null
[since v1.0.0]Completely removes the data
deny = null
[since v1.0.0]Denies the delivery of the message if the message contains sensitive data
principals = ["*"]
[since v1.0.0]A list of IAM principals this statement applies to
configuration = null
[since v1.0.0]Define Custom Data identifiers that can be used in data protection policy
[since v1.0.0]Map of custom data identifiers in
{Name = Regex}
delivery_policy = null
[since v1.0.0]Topic wide delivery policy that tells SNS how to retry failed message deliveries to endpoints with the
healthy_retry_policy = null
[since v1.0.0]Define the retry policy
min_delay_target = 20
[since v1.0.0]The minimum delay for a retry in seconds. Valid value: between
max_delay_target = 20
[since v1.0.0]The maximum delay for a retry in seconds. Valid value: between
num_retries = 3
[since v1.0.0]The total number of retries, including immediate, pre-backoff, backoff, and post-backoff retries. Valid value: between
num_no_delay_retries = 0
[since v1.0.0]The number of retries to be done immediately, with no delay between them
num_min_delay_retries = 0
[since v1.0.0]The number of retries in the pre-backoff phase, with the specified
between them -
num_max_delay_retries = 0
[since v1.0.0]The number of retries in the post-backoff phase, with the
between them. -
backoff_function = "linear"
[since v1.0.0]The model for backoff between retries. Valid values:
throttle_policy = null
[since v1.0.0]Define the throttle policy
[since v1.0.0]The maximum number of deliveries per second, per subscription. Valid value:
or greater
request_policy = null
[since v1.0.0]Define the request policy
header_content_type = "text/plain; charset=UTF-8"
[since v1.0.0]The content type of the notification being sent to HTTP/S endpoints. Valid values:
delivery_status_logging = null
[since v1.0.0]Enables logging of the delivery status of notification messages sent to topics
[since v1.0.0]Subscriber protocols which logs will be generated for. Valid values:
[since v1.0.0]The percentage of successful message deliveries to log. Valid value: between
[since v1.0.0]Arn of an IAM role that gives permission to SNS to write successful delivery logs to Cloudwatch
[since v1.0.0]Arn of an IAM role that gives permission to SNS to write failed delivery logs to Cloudwatch
display_name = null
[since v1.0.0]The display name of the topic. Optional for all transports. For SMS subscriptions only the first 10 characters are used. If not specified, the
of the topic will be used. -
enable_active_tracing = false
[since v1.0.0]Enable to have AWS X-Ray collect data about the messages that this topic receives. Additional steps are needed, please see Active Tracing X-Ray resource-based policy
enable_content_based_message_deduplication = false
[since v1.0.0]Enable default message deduplication based on message content. If false, a deduplication ID must be provided for every publish request
enable_encryption = null
[since v1.0.0]Enables SNS encryption at-rest
kms_key_id = "alias/aws/sns"
[since v1.0.0]The ID of a KMS key used for encryption
subscriptions = []
[since v1.0.0]Manages multiple subscriptions for this topic. See example
[since v1.0.0]The type of endpoint to subscribe. Valid values:
[since v1.0.0]List of endpoints to send data to. The contents vary with the protocol. See details below:
Protocol Endpoint application ARN of a mobile app and device firehose ARN of an Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream lambda ARN of an AWS Lambda function sms Phone number of an SMS-enabled device. sqs ARN of an Amazon SQS queue email An email address email-json An email address http A URL beginning with http:// https A URL beginning with https:// -
dead_letter_queue_arn = null
[since v1.0.0]ARN of a SQS queue where SNS will forward messages that can't be delivered to subscibers successfully to
enable_raw_message_delivery = false
[since v1.0.0]Whether to enable raw message delivery, where the original message is directly passed and not wrapped in JSON with the original message in the message property
filter_policy = null
[since v1.0.0]JSON String with the filter policy that will be used in the subscription to filter messages seen by the target resource
filter_policy_scope = "MessageAttributes"
[since v1.0.0]The filter policy scope. Valid values:
subscription_role_arn = null
[since v1.0.0]ARN of the IAM role to publish to Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream. Required only if
protocol = "firehose"
[since v1.0.0]The ARN of the SNS topic
[since v1.0.0]The ARNs of the subscribers for this SNS topic
There is no way to create the X-ray resource-based policy required for the SNS active tracing with Terraform today. Therefore, after enabling active tracing in this module, you must follow this documentation to create the resource-based policy using different means.