Various files to configure software, and set up my devices. Configuration packages are roughly organized around the software that's configured, and can be applied with stow.
E.g. to apply my pandoc config you'd do this:
cd ~
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd .dotfiles
stow pandoc
Packages, that I feel are worth a look:
- pandoc
- espanso
- bash
- ssh
- setup (not a stowable config as such)
Things that need tweaking/correction
Setup script seems to be working okayish.
Cron-/Anacrontabs should be set up and kept in sync between machines.
These should be im-/exported via crontab -u
and crontab -u < file
Config can be dumped and restored via dconf dump
and dconf load
Also checkout what the docs say about configuration.
This should be part of the automated setup.
- keyboard shortcuts!