This component realize an slide show with speaker support by browser speaker api.
npm install --save honey-slideshow
src="[email protected]/dist/honey-slideshow/honey-slideshow.js">
Vision of API (under construction)
<honey-slideshow id="slideshow1" baseurl="">
<p slot="title" class=".note">Sie sehen eine Präsentation über Steine</p>
<!-- Dieser Slot dient nur dazu das Styling der Folien von außen per CSS beeinflussen zu können -->
<div id="slidewin" slot="slide-area" class="slides meine tollen styles sind dabei"></div>
Structure of demo project.
To the live demo
- Fork it!
- Create your feature branch:
git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Commit your changes:
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
- Push to the branch:
git push origin my-new-feature
- Submit a pull request :D
- issue#44 build single bundle (treeshakeable)
- issue#43 code of conduct added
- issue#41 axe tests prepared
- issue#49 lodash secure issue fixed
- github username changed from FunThomas424242 to Huluvu424242 -> fixed github upload issues for owned scope
- issue#16 split of audio texts into 20 char pices is removed.
- issue#27 load error of audio file response will be handled
- build with nodejs 14.1.0
- upgrade to stencil 1.14.0
- issue#35 diasble autoplay
- issue#33 clean up damaged repo
- setup project based at
no warranty
MIT License
Maybe you must via about:config set media.webspeech.synth.enabled to true