Scrap hex and rely on bech32 for converting to hex #291
Garnix CI / check ghc810-x86_64-w64-mingw32:cardano-addresses:test:unit [x86_64-linux]
Jan 13, 2025 in 4m 1s
Run results
Build succeeded
Last 100 lines of logs:
Golden and Actual output hasn't changed
should inspect correctly [v]
Golden and Actual output hasn't changed
should generate correct addresses [v]
Golden and Actual output hasn't changed
should inspect correctly [v]
Golden and Actual output hasn't changed
should generate correct addresses [v]
Golden and Actual output hasn't changed
should inspect correctly [v]
Golden and Actual output hasn't changed
should generate correct addresses [v]
Golden and Actual output hasn't changed
should inspect correctly [v]
Golden and Actual output hasn't changed
decodeAddress <-> encodeAddress roundtrip
DerivationPath roundtrip [v]
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
Golden Tests for Byron Addresses w/ random scheme (Mainnet)
decodeDerivationPath - mainnet - initial account [v]
decodeDerivationPath - mainnet - another account [v]
Golden Tests for Byron Addresses w/ random scheme (Testnet)
decodeDerivationPath - testnet - initial account [v]
decodeDerivationPath - testnet - another account [v]
(9) entropyToMnemonic . mnemonicToEntropy == identity [v]
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
(12) entropyToMnemonic . mnemonicToEntropy == identity [v]
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
(15) entropyToMnemonic . mnemonicToEntropy == identity [v]
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
(18) entropyToMnemonic . mnemonicToEntropy == identity [v]
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
(21) entropyToMnemonic . mnemonicToEntropy == identity [v]
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
(24) entropyToMnemonic . mnemonicToEntropy == identity [v]
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
(9) mkMnemonic . mnemonicToText == pure [v]
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
(12) mkMnemonic . mnemonicToText == pure [v]
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
(15) mkMnemonic . mnemonicToText == pure [v]
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
(18) mkMnemonic . mnemonicToText == pure [v]
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
(21) mkMnemonic . mnemonicToText == pure [v]
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
(24) mkMnemonic . mnemonicToText == pure [v]
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
early error reported first (Invalid Entropy) [v]
early error reported first (Non-English Word) [v]
early error reported first (Wrong number of words - 1) [v]
early error reported first (Wrong number of words - 2) [v]
early error reported first (Error not in first constructor) [v]
early error reported first (Error not in first constructor) [v]
successfully parse 15 words in [15,18,21] [v]
successfully parse 15 words in [12,15,18] [v]
successfully parse 15 words in [9,12,15] [v]
golden tests
No empty mnemonic [v]
No 1 word mnemonic [v]
No too long fake mnemonic [v]
No empty entropy [v]
No too short entropy [v]
No too long entropy [v]
Can make entropy [v]
Can generate 96 bits entropy [v]
Can generate 128 bits entropy [v]
Can generate 160 bits entropy [v]
Can generate 192 bits entropy [v]
Can generate 224 bits entropy [v]
Can generate 256 bits entropy [v]
Mnemonic to Text [v]
Mnemonic from Text [v]
Mnemonic to Entropy [v]
Mnemonic from Api is invalid [v]
Mnemonic 2nd factor from Api is invalid [v]
15 long mnemonics not valid for mkMnemonic @12 [v]
15 long mnemonics not valid for mkMnemonic @24 [v]
Non-English mnemonics don't work [v]
ed25519_sk1l25926aaaf7ty55g99r285wptc7nqrzager5jghurqdswklj4pvszzp8qg is bech32 [v]
Word7 roundtrips
toWord7 . toWord8 - Word8 [v]
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
toWord7s . toNatural - Natural [v]
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
encode / decode roundtrip
{get,put}VariableLengthNat [v]
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
Finished in 18.7163 seconds
296 examples, 0 failures