CIP-0138 array #6749
CIP-0138 array #6749
IOG Hydra / ci/hydra-build:x86_64-darwin.ghc96.checks.plutus-tx-plugin:test:plutus-tx-plugin-tests
Jan 2, 2025 in 35s
Build failed
1 failed steps
Failed Steps
Step 1
Running phase: unpackPhase
unpacking source archive /nix/store/dr6fzvwyrdrzwj6s40bzywmxv7bqdb3v-source-plutus-tx-plugin-test-plutus-tx-plugin-tests-root
source root is source-plutus-tx-plugin-test-plutus-tx-plugin-tests-root
Running phase: patchPhase
Running phase: buildPhase
patching script interpreter paths in /private/tmp/nix-build-plutus-tx-plugin-test-plutus-tx-plugin-tests-
monoId: OK (0.34s)
monoK: OK (0.34s)
letFun: OK (0.33s)
nonstrictLet: OK (0.33s)
strictLet: OK (0.34s)
strictMultiLet: OK (0.34s)
strictLetRec: OK (0.34s)
ifOpt: OK (0.34s)
ifOptEval: OK (0.03s)
monadicDo: OK (0.02s)
patternMatchDo: OK (0.02s)
patternMatchFailure: OK (0.02s)
defaultCaseDuplication: OK (0.02s)
defaultCaseDuplicationNested: OK (0.02s)
string: OK (0.03s)
int: OK (0.03s)
int2: OK (0.03s)
bool: OK (0.03s)
and: OK (0.02s)
andApply: OK (0.03s)
tuple: OK (0.02s)
tupleMatch: OK (0.03s)
tupleConstDest: OK (0.03s)
intCompare: OK (0.03s)
intEq: OK (0.02s)
intEqApply: OK (0.02s)
void: OK (0.02s)
intPlus: OK (0.03s)
intDiv: OK (0.03s)
intPlusApply: OK (0.02s)
error: OK (0.02s)
ifThenElse: OK (0.03s)
ifThenElseApply: OK (0.02s)
emptyByteString: OK (0.03s)
emptyByteStringApply: OK (0.03s)
bytestring: OK (0.02s)
bytestringApply: OK (0.03s)
sha2_256: OK (0.03s)
equalsByteString: OK (0.03s)
ltByteString: OK (0.03s)
decodeUtf8: OK (0.02s)
lengthOfByteString: OK (0.03s)
indexByteString: OK (0.03s)
consByteString: OK (0.04s)
verify: OK (0.02s)
trace: OK (0.02s)
traceComplex: OK (0.03s)
stringLiteral: OK (0.03s)
equalsString: OK (0.03s)
encodeUtf8: OK (0.03s)
serialiseData: OK (0.02s)
serialiseDataApply: OK (0.03s)
constructData1: OK (0.03s)
deconstructorData1: OK (0.03s)
matchData1: OK (0.03s)
deconstructData1: OK (0.02s)
deconstructorData2: OK (0.03s)
deconstructData2: OK (0.03s)
deconstructData3: OK (0.03s)
writeBits-integerToByteString: OK (0.03s)
enum: OK (0.02s)
monoDataType: OK (0.02s)
monoConstructor: OK (0.03s)
monoConstructed: OK (0.03s)
monoCase: OK (0.02s)
monoCaseStrict: OK (0.02s)
monoConstDest: OK (0.02s)
defaultCase: OK (0.03s)
irrefutableMatch: OK (0.03s)
atPattern: OK (0.02s)
monoConstDestDefault: OK (0.02s)
monoRecord: OK (0.02s)
recordNewtype: OK (0.03s)
recordWithStrictField: OK (0.02s)
unusedWrapper: OK (0.03s)
nonValueCase: OK (0.02s)
strictDataMatch: OK (0.03s)
synonym: OK (0.03s)
polyDataType: OK (0.03s)
polyConstructed: OK (0.02s)
defaultCasePoly: OK (0.03s)
basicNewtype: OK (0.03s)
newtypeMatch: OK (0.02s)
newtypeCreate: OK (0.03s)
newtypeId: OK (0.02s)
newtypeCreate2: OK (0.02s)
nestedNewtypeMatch: OK (0.02s)
newtypeCreatDest: OK (0.03s)
paramNewtype: OK (0.02s)
listConstruct: OK (0.02s)
listConstruct2: OK (0.03s)
listConstruct3: OK (0.04s)
listMatch: OK (0.02s)
listConstDest: OK (0.04s)
listConstDest2: OK (0.03s)
ptreeConstruct: OK (0.02s)
ptreeMatch: OK (0.03s)
ptreeConstDest: OK (0.03s)
polyRecEval: OK (0.02s)
ptreeFirstEval: OK (0.02s)
sameEmptyRoseEval: OK (0.02s)
sameEmptyRose: OK (0.02s)
interListConstruct: OK (0.17s)
processInterListEval: OK (0.03s)
basicClosed: OK (0.02s)
basicOpen: OK (0.03s)
associated: OK (0.03s)
associatedParam: OK (0.03s)
basicData: OK (0.02s)
irreducible: OK (0.04s)
letFun: OK (0.04s)
fib: OK (0.03s)
fib: OK (0.04s)
fib4: OK (0.04s)
sum: OK (0.04s)
sumList: OK (0.04s)
even: OK (0.02s)
even3: OK (0.02s)
even4: OK (0.03s)
strictLength: OK (0.02s)
lazyLength: OK (0.02s)
nandDirect: OK (0.02s)
andDirect: OK (0.03s)
andExternal: OK (0.02s)
allDirect: OK (0.03s)
mutualRecursionUnfoldings: OK (0.03s)
recordSelector: OK (0.02s)
recordSelectorExternal: OK (0.04s)
polyMap: OK (0.03s)
applicationFunction: OK (0.02s)
unboxedTuples2: OK (0.02s)
unboxedTuples3: OK (0.03s)
unboxedTuples4: OK (0.03s)
unboxedTuples5: OK (0.03s)
unboxedTuples2Tuples: OK (0.02s)
unboxedTuples3Tuples: OK (0.02s)
joinError: OK (0.02s)
joinErrorEval: OK (0.02s)
lazyDepUnit: OK (0.02s)
Trace calls are preserved (no-remove-trace)
trace-argument: OK
trace-show: OK
trace-complex: OK
trace-direct: OK
trace-non-constant: OK
trace-repeatedly: OK
trace-impure: OK
trace-impure with effect: OK
Trace calls are preserved (preserve-logging)
trace-argument: OK
trace-show: OK
trace-complex: OK
trace-direct: OK
trace-non-constant: OK
trace-repeatedly: OK
trace-impure: OK
trace-impure with effect: OK
Trace calls are removed (remove-trace)
trace-argument: OK
trace-show: OK
trace-complex: OK
trace-direct: OK
trace-non-constant: OK
trace-repeatedly: OK
trace-impure: OK
trace-impure without effect: OK
alwaysSucceeds: OK (0.02s)
alwaysFails: OK (0.02s)
machInt: OK (0.02s)
caseInt: OK (0.02s)
stringLiteral: OK (0.02s)
recursiveNewtype: OK (0.02s)
mutualRecursionUnfoldingsLocal: OK (0.03s)
literalCaseInt: OK (0.04s)
literalCaseBs: OK (0.02s)
literalAppendBs: OK (0.02s)
literalCaseOther: OK (0.02s)
rangeEnumFromTo: OK (0.02s)
rangeEnumFromThenTo: OK (0.02s)
rangeEnumFrom: OK (0.02s)
rangeEnumFromThen: OK (0.02s)
toBuiltinUsed: OK (0.02s)
fromBuiltinUsed: OK (0.02s)
sizedBasic: OK (0.02s)
sizedPair: OK (0.02s)
multiFunction: OK (0.02s)
defaultMethods: OK (0.03s)
partialApplication: OK (0.02s)
sequenceTest: OK (0.03s)
compareTest: OK (0.03s)
concatTest: OK (0.03s)
sumTest: OK (0.03s)
fmapDefaultTest: OK (0.03s)
strictAdd: OK (0.02s)
strictAppend: OK (0.02s)
strictAppend2: OK (0.02s)
strictAppendString: OK (0.03s)
strictITE: OK (0.02s)
strictPair: OK (0.02s)
strictList: OK (0.02s)
strictData: OK (0.03s)
issue4645: OK (0.03s)
issue4645: OK (0.03s)
fib: OK (0.03s)
fib4: OK (0.03s)
fact4: OK (0.02s)
addInt: OK (0.04s)
addInt3: OK (0.04s)
letInFun: OK (0.04s)
letInFunMoreArg: OK (0.04s)
letRecInFun: OK (0.03s)
idCode: OK (0.04s)
id: OK (0.04s)
swap: OK (0.03s)
typeclass: OK (0.03s)
argMismatch1: OK (0.03s)
argMismatch2: OK (0.03s)
Application heads and line coverage
correct application heads: OK
correct line coverage: OK
correct application heads: OK
correct line coverage: OK
correct application heads: OK
correct line coverage: OK
correct application heads: OK
correct line coverage: OK
coverageCode: OK (0.04s)
psym1: OK (0.02s)
psymRec: OK (0.03s)
integerLiterals-NoStrict-NegativeLiterals: OK (0.02s)
integerLiterals-NoStrict-NoNegativeLiterals: OK (0.05s)
integerLiterals-Strict-NegativeLiterals: OK (0.02s)
integerLiterals-Strict-NoNegativeLiterals: OK (0.03s)
BuiltinByteString Literals
fromString: OK
Compile BuiltinByteString Literal
Raw bytes: OK
stringToBuiltinByteString: OK
BuiltinByteStringUtf8: OK
stringToBuiltinByteStringUtf8: OK
BuiltinByteStringHex: OK
stringToBuiltinByteStringHex: OK
int: OK (0.03s)
tuple: OK (0.03s)
tupleInterop: OK (0.03s)
unsafeTupleInterop: OK (0.03s)
unit: OK (0.03s)
unitInterop: OK (0.03s)
mono: OK (0.03s)
poly: OK (0.04s)
record: OK (0.03s)
list: OK (0.02s)
nested: OK (0.04s)
bytestring: OK (0.03s)
deconstructData: OK (0.03s)
unsafeDeconstructData: OK (0.03s)
matchAsData: OK (0.03s)
matchAsDataE: OK (0.03s)
recordAsData: OK (0.03s)
dataToData: OK (0.03s)
equalityAsData: OK (0.03s)
fieldAccessor: OK (0.03s)
int: OK (0.04s)
tuple: OK (0.04s)
mono: OK (0.04s)
monoInterop: OK (0.04s)
poly: OK (0.04s)
polyInterop: OK (0.03s)
record: OK (0.04s)
boolInterop: OK (0.04s)
list: OK (0.04s)
listInterop: OK (0.03s)
nested: OK (0.04s)
bytestring: OK (0.03s)
newtypeInt: OK (0.04s)
newtypeInt2: OK (0.03s)
newtypeInt3: OK (0.03s)
syn: OK (0.04s)
simple: OK (0.03s)
power: OK (0.04s)
and: OK (0.03s)
all: OK (0.04s)
convertString: OK (0.03s)
traceDirect: OK (0.03s)
tracePrelude: OK (0.03s)
traceRepeatedly: OK (0.03s)
someData: OK (0.02s)
ratioInterop: OK (0.01s)
round: OK
✓ round passed 100 tests.
truncate: OK
✓ truncate passed 100 tests.
abs: OK
✓ abs passed 100 tests.
ord: OK
✓ testOrd passed 100 tests.
divMod: OK
✓ testDivMod passed 100 tests.
quotRem: OK
✓ testQuotRem passed 100 tests.
Eq @Data: OK (0.07s)
✓ eqData passed 100 tests.
errorTrace: OK (0.02s)
sum: OK (0.02s)
sum: OK (0.03s)
sum: OK (0.04s)
sum: OK (0.03s)
anyCheap: OK (0.02s)
anyCheap: OK (0.04s)
anyCheap: OK (0.04s)
anyCheap: OK (0.03s)
anyExpensive: OK (0.03s)
anyExpensive: OK (0.04s)
anyExpensive: OK (0.03s)
anyExpensive: OK (0.03s)
anyEmptyList: OK (0.03s)
anyEmptyList: OK (0.03s)
anyEmptyList: OK (0.03s)
anyEmptyList: OK (0.02s)
allCheap: OK (0.02s)
allCheap: OK (0.03s)
allCheap: OK (0.03s)
allCheap: OK (0.03s)
allExpensive: OK (0.03s)
allExpensive: OK (0.03s)
allExpensive: OK (0.02s)
allExpensive: OK (0.03s)
allEmptyList: OK (0.02s)
allEmptyList: OK (0.03s)
allEmptyList: OK (0.04s)
allEmptyList: OK (0.04s)
findCheap: OK (0.05s)
findCheap: OK (0.05s)
findCheap: OK (0.04s)
findCheap: OK (0.04s)
findExpensive: OK (0.04s)
findExpensive: OK (0.03s)
findExpensive: OK (0.02s)
findExpensive: OK (0.03s)
findEmptyList: OK (0.02s)
findEmptyList: OK (0.02s)
findEmptyList: OK (0.03s)
findEmptyList: OK (0.03s)
findIndexCheap: OK (0.03s)
findIndexCheap: OK (0.03s)
findIndexCheap: OK (0.03s)
findIndexCheap: OK (0.04s)
findIndexExpensive: OK (0.03s)
findIndexExpensive: OK (0.03s)
findIndexExpensive: OK (0.04s)
findIndexExpensive: OK (0.03s)
findIndexEmptyList: OK (0.03s)
findIndexEmptyList: OK (0.03s)
findIndexEmptyList: OK (0.03s)
findIndexEmptyList: OK (0.03s)
filter: OK (0.03s)
filter: OK (0.03s)
filter: OK (0.02s)
filter: OK (0.02s)
andCheap: OK (0.03s)
andCheap: OK (0.03s)
andCheap: OK (0.04s)
andCheap: OK (0.04s)
andExpensive: OK (0.03s)
andExpensive: OK (0.04s)
andExpensive: OK (0.03s)
andExpensive: OK (0.04s)
orCheap: OK (0.03s)
orCheap: OK (0.03s)
orCheap: OK (0.03s)
orCheap: OK (0.04s)
orExpensive: OK (0.04s)
orExpensive: OK (0.03s)
orExpensive: OK (0.03s)
orExpensive: OK (0.03s)
elemCheap: OK (0.03s)
elemCheap: OK (0.04s)
elemCheap: OK (0.03s)
elemCheap: OK (0.03s)
elemExpensive: OK (0.03s)
elemExpensive: OK (0.03s)
elemExpensive: OK (0.03s)
elemExpensive: OK (0.03s)
notElemCheap: OK (0.04s)
notElemCheap: OK (0.03s)
notElemCheap: OK (0.03s)
notElemCheap: OK (0.04s)
notElemExpensive: OK (0.03s)
notElemExpensive: OK (0.04s)
notElemExpensive: OK (0.04s)
notElemExpensive: OK (0.04s)
lte0: OK (0.03s)
lte0: OK (0.03s)
lte0: OK (0.04s)
lte0: OK (0.05s)
gte0: OK (0.04s)
gte0: OK (0.04s)
gte0: OK (0.04s)
gte0: OK (0.03s)
recursiveLte0: OK (0.03s)
recursiveLte0: OK (0.03s)
recursiveLte0: OK (0.03s)
recursiveLte0: OK (0.03s)
recursiveGte0: OK (0.03s)
recursiveGte0: OK (0.03s)
recursiveGte0: OK (0.03s)
recursiveGte0: OK (0.05s)
sumL: OK (0.04s)
sumL: OK (0.03s)
sumL: OK (0.03s)
sumL: OK (0.03s)
sumR: OK (0.04s)
sumR: OK (0.03s)
sumR: OK (0.03s)
sumR: OK (0.04s)
constAccL: OK (0.04s)
constAccL: OK (0.04s)
constAccL: OK (0.03s)
constAccL: OK (0.04s)
constAccR: OK (0.04s)
constAccR: OK (0.04s)
constAccR: OK (0.04s)
constAccR: OK (0.04s)
constElL: OK (0.04s)
constElL: OK (0.05s)
constElL: OK (0.03s)
constElL: OK (0.03s)
constElR: OK (0.04s)
constElR: OK (0.03s)
constElR: OK (0.03s)
constElR: OK (0.04s)
null: OK (0.03s)
null: OK (0.04s)
null: OK (0.03s)
null: OK (0.03s)
listIndexing: OK (0.03s)
listIndexing: OK (0.04s)
listIndexing: OK (0.05s)
listIndexing: OK (0.04s)
builtinListIndexing: OK (0.03s)
builtinListIndexing: OK (0.03s)
builtinListIndexing: OK (0.04s)
builtinListIndexing: OK (0.03s)
toFromData: OK (0.04s)
toFromData: OK (0.04s)
toFromData: OK (0.04s)
toFromData: OK (0.04s)
not-not: OK (0.03s)
not-not: OK (0.03s)
not-not: OK (0.04s)
not-not: OK (0.03s)
monadicDo: OK (0.03s)
monadicDo: OK (0.03s)
monadicDo: OK (0.03s)
monadicDo: OK (0.03s)
applicative: OK (0.03s)
applicative: OK (0.03s)
applicative: OK (0.03s)
applicative: OK (0.04s)
patternMatch: OK (0.03s)
patternMatch: OK (0.03s)
patternMatch: OK (0.03s)
patternMatch: OK (0.04s)
show: OK (0.04s)
show: OK (0.04s)
show: OK (0.05s)
ifThenElse1: OK (0.02s)
ifThenElse1: OK (0.03s)
ifThenElse1: OK (0.03s)
ifThenElse1: OK (0.03s)
ifThenElse2: OK (0.03s)
ifThenElse2: OK (0.03s)
ifThenElse2: OK (0.03s)
ifThenElse2: OK (0.03s)
matchAsDataE: OK (0.04s)
matchAsDataE: OK (0.02s)
andWithGHCOpts: OK (0.04s)
andWithGHCOpts: OK (0.05s)
andWithGHCOpts: OK (0.03s)
andWithGHCOpts: OK (0.04s)
andWithoutGHCOpts: OK (0.03s)
andWithoutGHCOpts: OK (0.04s)
andWithoutGHCOpts: OK (0.03s)
andWithoutGHCOpts: OK (0.04s)
andWithLocal: OK (0.05s)
andWithLocal: OK (0.04s)
andWithLocal: OK (0.02s)
andWithLocal: OK (0.02s)
onlyUseFirstField: OK (0.04s)
onlyUseFirstField: OK (0.03s)
onlyUseFirstField: OK (0.03s)
onlyUseFirstField-budget: OK (0.03s)
patternMatching: OK (0.03s)
patternMatching: OK (0.04s)
patternMatching: OK (0.04s)
patternMatching-budget: OK (0.04s)
recordFields: OK (0.03s)
recordFields: OK (0.04s)
recordFields: OK (0.04s)
recordFields-budget: OK (0.04s)
recordFields-manual: OK (0.04s)
recordFields-manual: OK (0.04s)
recordFields-manual: OK (0.04s)
recordFields-budget-manual: OK (0.04s)
maybeFun: OK (0.03s)
matchAsData: OK (0.03s)
unsafeDeconstructData: OK (0.02s)
lambda-default: OK (0.03s)
lambda-default: OK (0.03s)
lambda-default: OK (0.03s)
lambda-nonstrict: OK (0.03s)
lambda-nonstrict: OK (0.02s)
lambda-nonstrict: OK (0.02s)
lambda-strict: OK (0.03s)
lambda-strict: OK (0.03s)
lambda-strict: OK (0.04s)
let-default: OK (0.03s)
let-default: OK (0.03s)
let-default: OK (0.03s)
let-nonstrict: OK (0.03s)
let-nonstrict: OK (0.03s)
let-nonstrict: OK (0.03s)
let-strict: OK (0.03s)
let-strict: OK (0.04s)
let-strict: OK (0.03s)
Acme: OK (0.04s)
compiledValidator: OK
map1: OK (0.03s)
map1: OK (0.03s)
map1: OK (0.04s)
map1-budget: OK (0.04s)
map2: OK (0.09s)
map2: OK (0.08s)
map2: OK (0.08s)
map2-budget: OK (0.07s)
map3: OK (0.07s)
map3: OK (0.07s)
map3: OK (0.06s)
map3-budget: OK (0.06s)
ShortCircuiting operators
(&&) short-circuits with GHC optimisations: OK
(||) short-circuits with GHC optimisations: OK
(&&) short-circuits without GHC optimisations: OK (0.02s)
(||) short-circuits without GHC optimisations: OK
Unicode characters are supported: OK
Map property tests
safeFromList: OK (0.08s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
unsafeFromList: OK (0.07s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
lookup: OK (6.69s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
member: OK (6.94s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
insert: OK (14.83s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
all: OK (6.50s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
any: OK (1.86s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
keys: OK (6.22s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
noDuplicateKeys: OK (1.59s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
delete: OK (13.84s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
union: OK (21.62s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
unionWith: OK (18.10s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
builtinDataEncoding: OK (21.02s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
List property tests
areInverses: OK (0.02s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
toSOP: OK (2.54s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
fromSOP: OK (2.65s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
append: OK (8.52s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
find: OK (5.11s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
findIndices: OK (5.62s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
filter: OK (5.49s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
mapMaybe: OK (5.81s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
any: OK (4.81s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
foldMap: OK (6.49s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
map: OK (5.52s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
length: OK (2.37s)
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
compiledListToArray: FAIL (0.02s)
Test output was different from 'test/Array/9.6/compiledListToArray.pir.golden'. Output of ["diff","-u","test/Array/9.6/compiledListToArray.pir.golden","/private/tmp/nix-build-plutus-tx-plugin-test-plutus-tx-plugin-tests-"]:
--- test/Array/9.6/compiledListToArray.pir.golden 1970-01-01 00:00:01.000000000 +0000
+++ /private/tmp/nix-build-plutus-tx-plugin-test-plutus-tx-plugin-tests- 2025-01-02 16:42:37.481723097 +0000
@@ -1 +1,21 @@
-[I 1, I 2, I 3]
\ No newline at end of file
+ !unitval : unit = ()
+ !mkNilData : unit -> list data = mkNilData
+ !mkI : integer -> data = iData
+ !mkCons : all a. a -> list a -> list a = mkCons
+ !listToArray : all a. list a -> array a = listToArray
+ {data}
+ (mkCons
+ {data}
+ (mkI 1)
+ (mkCons {data} (mkI 2) (mkCons {data} (mkI 3) (mkNilData unitval))))
\ No newline at end of file
Use -p '$0=="test.Array.9.6.compiledListToArray"' to rerun this test only.
compiledListToArray: FAIL (0.03s)
Test output was different from 'test/Array/9.6/compiledListToArray.uplc.golden'. Output of ["diff","-u","test/Array/9.6/compiledListToArray.uplc.golden","/private/tmp/nix-build-plutus-tx-plugin-test-plutus-tx-plugin-tests-"]:
--- test/Array/9.6/compiledListToArray.uplc.golden 1970-01-01 00:00:01.000000000 +0000
+++ /private/tmp/nix-build-plutus-tx-plugin-test-plutus-tx-plugin-tests- 2025-01-02 16:42:37.505036315 +0000
@@ -1 +1,18 @@
-(program 1.1.0 [I 1, I 2, I 3])
\ No newline at end of file
+ 1.1.0
+ ((\unitval ->
+ (\mkNilData ->
+ (\mkI ->
+ (\mkCons ->
+ (\listToArray ->
+ force listToArray
+ (force mkCons
+ (mkI 1)
+ (force mkCons
+ (mkI 2)
+ (force mkCons (mkI 3) (mkNilData unitval)))))
+ listToArray)
+ mkCons)
+ iData)
+ mkNilData)
+ ()))
\ No newline at end of file
Use -p '$0=="test.Array.9.6.compiledListToArray"' to rerun this test only.
compiledListToArray: OK (0.02s)
compiledLengthArray: FAIL (0.02s)
Test output was different from 'test/Array/9.6/compiledLengthArray.pir.golden'. Output of ["diff","-u","test/Array/9.6/compiledLengthArray.pir.golden","/private/tmp/nix-build-plutus-tx-plugin-test-plutus-tx-plugin-tests-"]:
--- test/Array/9.6/compiledLengthArray.pir.golden 1970-01-01 00:00:01.000000000 +0000
+++ /private/tmp/nix-build-plutus-tx-plugin-test-plutus-tx-plugin-tests- 2025-01-02 16:42:37.554213481 +0000
@@ -1 +1,25 @@
-lengthArray {data} [I 1, I 2, I 3]
\ No newline at end of file
+ !lengthOfArray : all a. array a -> integer = lengthArray
+ in
+ lengthOfArray {data})
+ (let
+ !unitval : unit = ()
+ in
+ let
+ !mkNilData : unit -> list data = mkNilData
+ in
+ let
+ !mkI : integer -> data = iData
+ in
+ let
+ !mkCons : all a. a -> list a -> list a = mkCons
+ in
+ let
+ !listToArray : all a. list a -> array a = listToArray
+ in
+ listToArray
+ {data}
+ (mkCons
+ {data}
+ (mkI 1)
+ (mkCons {data} (mkI 2) (mkCons {data} (mkI 3) (mkNilData unitval)))))
\ No newline at end of file
Use -p '$0=="test.Array.9.6.compiledLengthArray"' to rerun this test only.
compiledLengthArray: FAIL (0.02s)
Test output was different from 'test/Array/9.6/compiledLengthArray.uplc.golden'. Output of ["diff","-u","test/Array/9.6/compiledLengthArray.uplc.golden","/private/tmp/nix-build-plutus-tx-plugin-test-plutus-tx-plugin-tests-"]:
--- test/Array/9.6/compiledLengthArray.uplc.golden 1970-01-01 00:00:01.000000000 +0000
+++ /private/tmp/nix-build-plutus-tx-plugin-test-plutus-tx-plugin-tests- 2025-01-02 16:42:37.578022186 +0000
@@ -1 +1,20 @@
-(program 1.1.0 (force lengthArray [I 1, I 2, I 3]))
\ No newline at end of file
+ 1.1.0
+ ((\lengthOfArray -> force lengthOfArray)
+ lengthArray
+ ((\unitval ->
+ (\mkNilData ->
+ (\mkI ->
+ (\mkCons ->
+ (\listToArray ->
+ force listToArray
+ (force mkCons
+ (mkI 1)
+ (force mkCons
+ (mkI 2)
+ (force mkCons (mkI 3) (mkNilData unitval)))))
+ listToArray)
+ mkCons)
+ iData)
+ mkNilData)
+ ())))
\ No newline at end of file
Use -p '$0=="test.Array.9.6.compiledLengthArray"' to rerun this test only.
compiledLengthArray: OK (0.02s)
compiledIndexArray: OK (0.02s)
compiledIndexArray: OK (0.02s)
compiledIndexArray: OK (0.02s)
4 out of 565 tests failed (29.45s)