Project developed during my internship at NSC SAP Portugal under the mentor.
This is a microservice based on Spring Boot to provide RESTFul web services for E-Commerce platforms following the principles of the Scrum framework.
The principal requirements adopted in this challenge were:
- Use the Bitbucket version control
- Use the Trello application to create an Agile Task Board
- Create the relational JPA mapping with the provided UML class diagram as basis
- Use the "Software Craftsmanship" and "Clean Code" mindsets
- Create Integration and Unit Tests
- The endpoints must be RESTFul, use Security Token and JSON payloads *Must respect the design patterns(Controller, Facade, Service, Repository)
- Must use Java8's new resources such as Stream API, Optionals and Lambdas
- Use the following technologies: IntelliJ Idea, Maven, Spring Boot, Git, RESTFul services, Spring DATA, JPA Entities, Lombok Project, JSON, Apache Lang Utils and Google Guava
The class diagram was the following: