A pose estimator that is more robust to face occlusions. The code includes a gRPC server and client example to perform the estimation in images.
DOWNLOAD THE ESTIMATOR MODEL HERE: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19JgO63Zhz0CJ3kdVFr5u4I0xWngc0vSz/view?usp=sharing
Download this repository. Open two terminals and go to the repository folder directory. On one of the terminals run python OcclusionPose_server.py. On the other run python OcclusionPose_client.py face_image.jpg (face_image will be your image name). It will output the pose and the image with the pose axis.
If you desire to change the proto file run python -m grpc_tools.protoc -I. --python_out=. --grpc_python_out=. Occlusion_pose.proto This will generate the pb2 and pb2_grpc files.
Open a terminal and type docker run -p 8061:8061 -it --rm josecarlos714/dockerpose:occlusionpose. This will run a docker container which will deploy the pose estimation server. You can extract the pose using the OcclusionPose_client.py file (an example file) for a given image.
Go to docker_pipeline folder and run docker-compose up to visualize pose estimation of face images in the images folder.