- This is a project while I learn Spring boot (v2)
- Tech:
- Spring boot
- Spring security
- Spring mail
- Maven
- JWT (Json Web Token)
- Docker (Run database)
- Swagger (Spring doc)
- IDE:
- IntelliJ IDEA
- Authentication, Authorization
- Validator (not null, format, check duplicate)
- Import/Export (CSV)
- Paging
- Searching
- [2024.10.31]
- Update Selenium test
Login Page
andChange Password Page
- Update Selenium test
- [2024.10.29]
- Update init Role & first user in database
- Repo Frontend
- Clone this repository
- Make sure you are using JDK 17
- Install extension Lombok in IntelliJ IDEA
- Rename
folder to.env.dev
and change your value to set up mailEMAIL_USERNAME=<Your email address> EMAIL_PASSWORD=<Your email's password>
- Install plugin EnvFile and do like
document or setting like that in
Edit configuration
of project
- Run 2 command under
docker image pull mysql:8.3.0
docker run --name k1ethoang-mysql-container -d -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=123456 -p 6603:3306 mysql:8.3.0
Create connection (Do not change):
- Username: root
- Password: 123456
Create database in MySQL name:
or use scriptcreate database Learn_BackEnd
Run your docker first, you can run via Docker Desktop
Run command in your project folder
./mvnw spring-boot:run
- Access http://localhost:9090/swagger-ui/index.html to see swagger doc