# Array and Image Manipulation
Welcome to the Array and Image Manipulation repository! This project is focused on performing various array and image manipulation tasks using Python. The repository includes a collection of scripts and functions for manipulating arrays and images for different purposes.
## Features
- Array manipulation functions
- Sorting
- Searching
- Reshaping
- Arithmetic operations
- Image manipulation functions
- Image filtering
- Image resizing
- Image color transformations
- Image segmentation
## Installation
To use the scripts and functions in this repository, you need to have Python installed on your machine. You can install the required dependencies using the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Here are examples of how to use some of the functions in this repository:
from array_manipulation import sort_array, search_array
# Sorting an array
arr = [3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 5]
sorted_arr = sort_array(arr)
print("Sorted Array:", sorted_arr)
# Searching for an element in an array
index = search_array(arr, 5)
print("Index of element 5:", index)
from image_manipulation import resize_image, apply_filter
# Resizing an image
input_image_path = 'input_image.jpg'
output_image_path = 'output_image.jpg'
resized_image = resize_image(input_image_path, output_image_path, (100, 100))
print("Image resized and saved to", output_image_path)
# Applying a filter to an image
filtered_image = apply_filter(resized_image, 'blur')
print("Filter applied to the image")
Contributions are welcome! If you have any ideas, suggestions, or improvements, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.
If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact KaanDRoid.
This README provides an overview of the repository, installation instructions, usage examples, contribution guidelines, license information, and contact details. You can customize it further based on the specific details and requirements of your project.