- 🏫 I’m currently not studying on: Wrocław University of Science and Technology
- 🌱 I’m currently learning : Azure
- 📫 How to reach me: Instagram, Telegram
- 🏀 Fun fact: I mad about basketball
✅ Comarch (ERP solutions)
✅ Credit Suisse (Invoicing&Banking)
✅ Motorola Solutions (Public Safety)
🩸 C#/.NET
🩸 ADO.NET / Entity Framework / Dapper
🩸 WPF / Windows Forms
🩸 WCF / ASP.NET Core Web API
🩸 ASP.NET Core Identity + ASP.NET Core SignalR
🩸 xUnit / MSTest + Moq
🩸 Git / TFS
🩸 Design Patterns / SOLID / GRASP
🩸 HTML5 / CSS3 (with SCSS) / Bootstrap 5
🩸 Typescript
🩸 Angular 16
🩸 NgRx / NgXs / RxJS
🩸 RabbitMQ / Service Bus
🩸 MongoDB, Redis
🩸 Docker / Powershell
🩸 Azure
🩸 GraphQL
🩸 Quartz.NET / Hangfire