This 5 chip Z80 single-board "computer", is a very simple Z80 based "controller" with 8255 for I/O plus a "Z50Bus" expansion connector. I created it to kick-start my Z80 experiments - breadboarding is fun, but sometimes you want the basics to "just work" so you don't have to troubleshoot loose wires :)
Features an option to use a local crystal-based oscillator or oscillator module. There is an onboard selector to choose between 27c256 EPROM and 28C256 EEPROM.
Onboard address decoder:
- ROM at 0000h - 7FFFh
- RAM at 8000h - FFFFh
- IO at 00h (IOPortA)
- IO at 01h (IOPortB)
- IO at 02h (IOPortC)
- IO at 03h (Control)
A few solder jumpers allow disconnecting various onboard options (if you for example want to provide an external address decoder)... In the basic configuration you should link (with a solder blob) the following:
- JP1 - enable internal CLK source
- JP2 - enable internal IO(8255) address decoder
- JP3 - enable internal ROM address decoder
- JP4 - enable internal RAM address decoder
- JP7 - set 8255 reset pin to GND (bypass R5)
- JP8 - enable onboard LED for port A0 on the 8255
- JP9 - enable onboard IO_WR singal
Simple "blinky" program source (.asm) included and a compiled hex files (.hex) for 27C256 EPROM (or my EPROM emulator). It will toggle all lines of port A a few times a second.
Get your PCBs from PCBWAY
A few component kits are listed on eBay
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