This is the core of LasseRafn/php-initial-avatar-generator, or well.. the initials generation part of it.
It's framework agnostic, which is different from basically everything else I do, you're welcome.
Supports UTF8 (yes, also emojis.)
You just require using composer and you're good to go!
composer require lasserafn/php-initials
As with installation, usage is quite simple. Generating a image is done by running:
use LasseRafn\Initials\Initials;
echo (new Initials('Lasse Rafn')); // Output: LR
echo (new Initials)->name('Justine Bieber')->generate(); // Output: JB
echo (new Initials('John Christian Doe'))->generate(); // Output: JD
echo (new Initials)->generate('Leonardo'); // Output: LE
echo (new Initials)->length(1)->generate('Camilla'); // Output: C
echo (new Initials)->name('Jens Ølsted')->getUrlfriendlyInitials(); // Output: JO
All you'll have to do is either pass in the name in the constructor like so:
echo new Initials('The Name Here'); // TH
or use the name($name)
method, to specify the name.
$initials->name('Albert Magnum')->generate();
$initials->name('Albert Magnum')->length(3)->generate();
This method will output the initials. It's completely optional, you could also just echo out the class as it has a __toString()
$initials->name('Albert Magnum')->generate();
Will output url-friendly initials (stripping characters like ÆØÅ)
- PHP 5.6, 7.0 or 7.1