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d3nyme edited this page Jul 23, 2017 · 16 revisions

If you are interested in being part of the testing team, add your name in here.

Make use of the Test Commands to ease your debugging.

Join the chat channel at #dotacraft @GameSurge


GitHub Steam
SQL /justSQL /id/SQL
Arhowk /Arhowk /id/arhowk
Dun1007 /Dun1007 /id/Dun1007
SsnL /SsnL /id/SsnL
leedarhed /leedarhed /id/leedarhed
Moothreene /Moothreene /id/Moothreene
nooDy /nooDy093 /id/nooDy0
Aardvark /EpikAardvark /id/EpikAardvark
Coolkip /Coolkip /id/Coolkip
ravenguard98 /ravenguard98 /id/ravenguard98
cowsforyou /cowsforyou /id/cowsforyou
DBX_5 /DBX5 /id/DBX5
Califax /Califax526 /id/Califax
Madman /madman20015 /id/madman20015
D3nyMe /d3nyme /id/d3nymai
Terran /terran24 /id/terran24
pula /pula /id/pula

Bug posting guidelines

When reporting bugs in the issue tracker, it will help prevent confusion if we follow a standard format. Each bug should have the following sections if possible.


Describe the bug that is happening in the game. Include any details that seem relevant like the frequency the bug happens, anything out of the ordinary that might have caused it, or if you were able to reproduce the result.

Repro Steps:

Make a numbered list of the steps that caused this bug to occur.


Describe exactly what happens.

Expected Result:

Describe how the behavior should be different from the behavior you described. Be clear if you know the behavior is incorrect or if it just seems suspicious.

Primary sources for verifying behaviors should be and tests with wc3. To discuss and brainstorm, we'll be opening a discussion subforum on ModDota anytime soon.

Copy-ready format


Something need doing?

**Repro Steps:**

1. I can do that.
2. Me not that kind of orc!



**Expected Result:**

Work, work
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