Releases: Make-md/makemd
Releases Β· Make-md/makemd
- Support for the new core Properties plug-in
- File metadata will no longer show in inline contexts when properties is enabled
- Support for the new standard for tags and aliases in frontmatter
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue with inputing and selecting text in the first line
- Fixed issue with editing codeblocks
- Fixed issue where tags can be added with spaces
- File Sticker now appears in the tab bar
Bug Fixes
- Fixed input issues with CJK Languages
- Fixed Spaces opening on launch even if setting is off
- Inline Styler now only appears in active tab/flow block
- Fixed multi options fields deleting other options when adding a new value
- Custom Icons: File Stickers can now use any SVG files in the vault with the new Index SVG setting
- Backlinks in Frontmatter: Inline Backlinks and Context Explorer Backlinks now show backlinks added in frontmatter
- Added ability to delete options for Options fields
- Edit the Folder, Space or Tag directly in the title
- Added setting for whether Spaces opens as the default tab
- Added ability to customize the frontmatter keys for alias, banner and sticker (must be manually modified in settings file)
Bug Fixes
- Core Backlinks no longer show in flow blocks
- Fixed block level flow blocks not working
- Fixed being able to edit frontmatter using arrow keys and delete when it's hidden
- Fixed automatically reveal file not working for vault spaces
- Fixed moving files into Spaces that are synced to folder causing an error if a file of the same name already exists
- Fixed folder deletion issue
Bug FIxes
- Fixed an issue where Spaces doesn't load when the plug-in is restarted
- Spaces no longer wait for cache to load if it takes longer than 1 second
- Fixed an issue where Spaces were reset if a folder is deleted from the vault
- Fixed an issue with plugin compatilibity due to flow blocks being enabled
- Convert your inline tables to a markdown table for export or publishing
- Added menu option and command to change Folder to Folder Note
- Your vault space is now a folder space you can pin, customize or remove
- Added setting to turn off inline sticker trigger (emojis menu)
- Create/edit Folder Spaces using Edit Spaces
Bug Fixes
- Folder Note
- Fixed Graph View not showing active folder note
- Fixed layout of folder note including width and bottom padding
- Fixed Folder note default icon to be consistent
- Context
- Fixed issue when table is created before the context
- Fixed issue when adding properties to new context from inline context/context explorer
- Inline Context
- Fixed an issue causing inline context to crash due to title
- Fixed Reading view still sometimes show the wrong header
- Fixed an issue with the escape key causing doubling of inline title
- Inline Styler
- Fixed Flow Styler appearing in the wrong location for Canvas
- Spaces
- Fixed issue with renaming folders with . in them
- Fixed issue with spaces not staying deleted
- Improved spaces reliability
- Fixed auto back-up of spaces not working
- Fixed folder sort order in Spaces
- Improved drag and drop for spaces
- Fixed normal spaces acting as folder spaces
- Flow Blocks
- Fixed hotkeys not triggering in flow block
- Fixed flow blocks not loading on page load for certain pages including folder notes
- Fixed compatibility issue with flow block with many plug-ins
- Fixed name for Blink
- Fixed Context Explorer not showing file header
- Moved sort options into a submenu
- Added modified time sort option for spaces and folders
- Added custom sort option for folders
- Added data-type for spaces
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue with periods in file names
- Fixed left panel automatically opening on startup
- No longer crashes due to invalid date format
- Context now refreshes from frontmatter if changed externally
- Fixed issue with folder note not loading context correctly
- Fixed issue with folder note not filtering out frontmatter based on context
- Fixed issue with renaming folder notes and folders containing folder notes