Releases: Make-md/makemd
Releases · Make-md/makemd
- Added basic support for editing key-value type frontmatter
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where new columns for inline tables aren't saved
- Fixed an issue when syncing metadata fields with duplicate names
- Fixed certain emojis not showing on iOS
- Fixed select all not working in inline header
- Fixed an issue where dataview links aren't synced with surrounding brackets
- Fixed inline title for new files not selecting properly
- New command to Add File to a Space
- Added hover preview for Spaces when holding Control
- Added line numbers setting to properly show line numbers with inline contexts
- Added option to toggle Dataview fields from showing in inline context
- Added toggle for the inline context
- Backlinks expanded state now persist across notes
- Source mode now show the raw frontmatter with inline context
- Added layout option for sticker and title
- Added custom date formats for date property as well a setting for default date format
- Added ability to disable contexts feature
- Field syncing now only selects non-synced fields
- Added autocapitalization display for table column titles
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug where renaming folders appends name instead of renaming
- Fixed spaces disabled causing mobile settings menu to disappear
- Fixed folder indentation line setting being reversed
- Fixed new folder button for vault not working
- Fixed indentation at beginning of document changing the indentation of Inline Context
- Fixed inline title disappearing when inline context is disabled
- File stickers setting now affects the display of header icon
- Fixed inline text not being selected when a new file is created
- Fixed stacked tabs inline title
- Fixed creating new properties for Folder Context not save
- Fixed decimal points not saving for number fields
- Fixed Dataview fields not syncing
- Fixed tag add/sync buttons CSS not being correct
- Fixed selection issues within the editor
- Improved blink causing letters to disappear during search
- Inline Context
- Edit the context including existing frontmatter directly in your notes
- No more YAML, hide YAML frontmatter from your notes
- Limitation: Key Value type is currently not supported
- Inline editable backlinks directly at the bottom of your notes
- Note Banner
- Directly show a banner and file sticker at the top of your notes
- Tag Manager
- Add, Rename or Delete tags across your vault directly from the Contexts tab in Spaces
- Contexts
- Image fields now have an image picker so you can directly choose an existing image from your vault
- Added new lookup types for files including links
- Context explorer has been reorganized to have the same experience as inline context
- Frontmatter keys can now be renamed and have its type changed
- Adding a new property experience revamped to be cleaner and more intuitive
- Add new note/canvas button added in Context Views
- Spaces
- Drag and drop has been improved in spaces to work as expected
- Folder line icons have been added
- Add Canvas button has been added in context menu for folders
- Settings
- Added settings for toggling the inline context and inline backlinks (restart required)
- Added setting for toggling
- Sync
- As part of ongoing improvements for sync support, contexts now does multiple checks to avoid unnecessary saves
- Spaces will detect if a new sycned copy is available and revert to the synced copy
- A manual reload on spaces has been added in the main menu to manually load a newly synced Spaces file
- Sync improvements are still ongoing, more improvements to follow
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where file extension don't show properly
- Fixed issues related to context fields not showing multiple option
- Fixed inline tables not working for root level notes
- Fixed issues related to drag and drop not working when moving to certain position in vault
- Fixed look up field not showing up in Context Explorer
- Fixed look up field not parsing file creation time or size
- Fixed link fields showing the wrong file name
- File Property Field has been renamed Look Up and can now look up properties for both File and Context fields
- Backlinks now only shows the block where the backlink is
- Inline tables now work in Reading mode
- Allow Blink to create new notes
- Added filter types for more fields and fields with no filter types will no longer show up
Bug Fixes
- Fixed flow editors not loading when toggled on
- Mark Sans mode has been disabled and will be fixed in a future update
- Fixed internal link hover position
- Fixed Blink opening files that are not openable by Obsidian
- Fixed duplicate fields in metadata sync when Dataview is enabled
- Fixed syncing of frontmatter and dataview fields causing multiple saves to the context file
- Context Explorer
- The File Context has been renamed the Context Explorer with a revamped user experience
- Edit existing metadata including frontmatter and dataview fields
- Edit, add and delete properties
- Dataview Sync
- Automatically sync inline dataview fields (Dataview plug-in required)
Improvements and Changes
- Made wording more consistent
- Changed open internal link to Shift-Click to avoid collision with multi-cursor
- Ssync dataview fields now part of sync metadata
- Support for all characters in column names
- Fixed date picker not showing the correct month
- Reduce jank on column property menu
- Added Maker Mode Settings
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a memory leak when using Contexts
- Fixed clicking on the line for internal link causing editor to open
- Fixed syncing of internal links for frontmatter
- Fixed link cell saving issue
- Fixed tag cell not refreshing when tags are modified
- Fixed Blink loading pages while typing
- Unused tags are now removed from Tag Context list
- Improved error handling to not crash the plug-in when one component crashes
- Added divider in table view
- Added keyboard shortcuts for table view (cut, copy, paste, delete, insert row)
- Added cut table for inline table
Bug Fixes
- Changed to opening flow editors on internal links to Option-Click (Mac) or Alt-Click (Windows/Linux)
- Fixed color highlight not properly inserting color
- Resolved most Hover Editor compatibility issues (Blink not opening files and Backlinks causing infinite loops)
- Fixed padding on cards view
- Fixed checkbox issue due to Maker Mode
- Fixed new folders not showing files added to it in Spaces
- Fixed tag context not being added for frontmatter tag fields
- Fixed root level notes with inline tables not saving the table
- Fixed a crash on new folders
- Fixed internal links not opening
Bug Fixes
- Fixed not loading on mobile
- Removed debug database fields
- Changing to compact mode auto refreshes spaces
- Fixed context cell links not being openable
- Fixed context cell folder paths displaying full string
- Fixed expand and collapse all spaces button
- Fixed save new view/table modal not closing when pressing Enter