GeoCache Explore Functionalities:
- MainScreenFragment:
• Purpose: Acts as the dashboard or home page of your app. • Features: o Buttons or menu items to navigate to MapFragment and CacheListFragment. • Navigation: o To MapFragment to view caches on the map. o To CacheListFragment to view a list of all caches.
- MapFragment
• Purpose: Displays caches on a Google Map. • Features: o Interactive map markers for each cache. o Tapping a marker shows a small popup (info window) with a brief summary and a button to view more details. • Navigation: o Tapping on a marker's detail button navigates to CacheDetailFragment. o Back navigation leads to MainScreenFragment.
- CacheListFragment
• Purpose: Lists all caches in a detailed list view. • Features: o Each list item shows brief details of a cache. o A button for adding new caches. • Navigation: o Tapping on a list item navigates to CacheDetailFragment. o The add button navigates to CacheEditFragment to create a new cache.
- CacheDetailFragment
• Purpose: Displays detailed information about a specific cache, including its location on a mini map embedded within the fragment. • Features: o Detailed information about the cache. o Buttons for updating (navigates to CacheEditFragment) and deleting the cache. o A delete button triggers a confirmation dialog. • Navigation: o Update button leads to CacheEditFragment with pre-filled data for the cache. o Delete button first shows a confirmation dialog; on confirmation, the cache is deleted and navigates back. o Back navigation to MainScreenFragment or to the last viewed fragment (either MapFragment or CacheListFragment).
- CacheEditFragment
• Purpose: Used for both adding a new cache and updating an existing one. • Features: o Form to input or edit cache details. • Navigation: o Save operation leads back to CacheDetailFragment if editing, or adds the new cache and possibly navigates to CacheListFragment. o Cancel operation returns to the previous fragment without making changes.