These are a group of small python scripts use to stream video over a LAN.
Inorder to use the server program there are some python module you will need to installed. open a terminal and install these modules
sudo apt-get install python-dev python-numpy python-opencv
sudo pip install peewee
please remember we are using opencv 2 not opencv 3.
There is one more module needed which is netifaces. You need to go to the page on python pypi website. Go to this link, look for the source file at the download section. It should end with tar.gz
You will see how to install the package on the page.
RUNNING THE SERVER Navigate to the Server folder Before running the server your need to first create and account. So first run the program.
follow the instructions to add a new user to your database. Without the users you wouldn't be able to logging on to the server.
enter 'quit' when you are done to close. now run the server program.
RUNNING THE CLIENT Navigate to the Client folder Before running the client program, make sure that you have install opencv, numpy
run it by
Still got some work to do. Might add encryption