Developing An android application which simulates the real Instagram and adding some new features such as “Implementing Nearby Connection API” to send text and voice between nearby users in offline manner and providing a web gallery so that you can search for photos on Bixabay website and ability to choose any photo and upload it.
This app is an android application that simulates the real Instagram:
- Providing Authentication functionality such as signing up and logging in.
- Having a home feed and displaying posts in it.
- Implementing a Following System to follow other users.
- Ability to edit user’s info (Photo, Website, Phone etc.).
- Searching for users who use this app and viewing their profiles.
- Implementing liking toggle system and Inserting comments.
- Providing a web gallery that retrieves photos from website and ability to choose any photo and upload it.
- Using Nearby Messaging API, so that the users can send and receive voice as well as sending text.
- IDE: Android studio 3.3.1
- Programming languages: Java 1.8, XML.
- Back-end: Firebase
- Authentication
- Real-time database
- Storage
- Third party libraries
- Retrofit2
- Universal Image Loader
- Circle Image view
- Circle progress bar