Currently the WatchConnectivity Framework of iOS and watchOS can only handle one delegate. In the Application of my current Startup Evomo we have multiple frameworks independently talking to their counterpart on the Apple Watch. To handle the Messages between the Sender and its paired Receiver efficiently we developed RelayKit.
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. To install RelayKit with CocoaPods:
Make sure CocoaPods is installed.
Update your Podfile to include the following:
use_frameworks! pod 'RelayKit'
pod install
- In your code import RelayKit like so:
import RelayKit
// On iOS Side
let core = WatchConnectivityCoreIOS()
let relay = Relay(core: core)
// You can access thie relay now anywhere through the shared variable
// WatchOS Side
let core = WatchConnectivityCoreWatchOS()
let relay = Relay(core: core)
// To actually send something let your class conform to the Sender protocol
class SenderExample: Sender {
// This Ident is necessary to match it to its receiver pair
var moduleIdent: String = "SamplePair"
// This one is necessary for the internal mechanism, it can be nil, no default necessary
var sendMessageBlock: ((Message, SendingMethod, @escaping (Message) -> Void, @escaping (Error) -> Void) -> Void)?
let sender = SenderExample()
// And register it to the relay
// The Receiver must conform to the Receiver Protocol
class SampleReceiver: Receiver {
var moduleIdent: String = "SamplePair"
var message: Message? = nil
func didReceiveMessage(_ message: Message, _ method: SendingMethod, _ replyHandler: ((Message) -> Void)?) {
self.message = message
receiver = SampleReceiver()
// To send something it is important to use the correct SendingMethod of the Core you use
// for the WatchConnectivity Core it is as follows:
enum WatchConnectivityCoreMethod: SendingMethod {
case sendMessage
case transferUserInfo
// Conform to the Message Protocol
struct SampleMessage: Message {
static var messageIdent: String = "SampleMessage"
public let description: String
func encode() -> [String : Any] {
return [
"description": description
static func decode(_ data: [String : Any]) throws -> SampleMessage {
guard let description = data["description"] as? String else { throw MessageError.keyNotFound(key: "description") }
return SampleMessage(description: description)
// Send it
sender.sendMessage(SampleMessage(), WatchConnectivityCoreMethod.sendMessage)
// If you are done you can deregister the sender and receiver