OCS Inventory Team is proud to publish its first revision of its helm charts implementation.
This chart try to provide a full featured implementation of the product on Kubernetes.
- Deploy a new instance from scratch (without mariadb bundled)
- Deploy a new instance from scratch (with mariadb bundled)
- Deploy an instance from an existing database
- Being able to adjust php variables and configuration
- Being able to set resources limits and requests
- Implentation of basic auth on /ocsapi and /ocsinventory implementation
Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA) Integration
- Add the ability to implement Horizontal Pod Autoscaling to help manage the scaling of the resources.
Multi-server Communication
- Enable the configuration of multiple communication servers to enhance the communication infrastructure.
Redis Session Storage
- Integrate Redis for PHP session storage to improve session management and performance.
Documentation Updates
- In the following weeks we are planning on publishing a detailed documentation on our wiki (wiki.ocsinventory-ng.org)