V0.6.0a “Kosmos” release notes
V0.6.0a “Kosmos” release notes
Release date: April 23rd, 2018
Kosmos release brings three vital improvements to the system. They are:
- Full GS1 standards validation: We have improved the GS1 import integration experience by adding full GS1 data validation. This helps speed up integrations.
- The first implementation of the market bidding mechanism.
- Fully implemented blockchain fingerprinting virtualization documentation, which explains how the blockchain layer of the protocol will become compatible with blockchains other than Ethereum.
New features:
- Implemented first version of bidding mechanism covering the full flow - offer broadcast, sending bids, offer reveal and choose
- Finished abstraction of blockchain interface
- Finished GS1 import validation with error reporting
- Created new smart contract for Bidding
- Improved unit tests coverage of the code to 80% of covered modules
- Separated logic for DC and DH in the code
- Implemented sequelize ORM instead of raw queries to majority of database calls
- Reintroduced dotenv for easier initial configuration
- Improved network module - several bugs fixed in Kademlia implementation
- Polished and improved refactoring of the code done in previous release