v1.3.24b release notes
Release brings two major features: basic auth token and SSL support for API routes, along with general stability improvements and bug fixes.
- [enhancement] Implement basic auth token #512
- [enhancement] Add imports_info route #511
- [enhancement] Variable litigation interval #373
- [enhancement] Calculate import data hash and write it to blockchain #496
- [bug][enhancement] Add bidding fallback #497
- [enhancement] Support SSL for API routes #489
- [chore][enhancement] Notify bugsnag about distribution hash problem #477
- [enhancement] Add sender to verify encryption key request #480
- [enhancement] New API routes #484
- [enhancement] Add transaction hash to imports #483
- [bug][enhancement] Add filtering of network requests #481
- [enhancement] Update web3 to 1.0.0-beta35 #479
- [bug][enhancement] kadence update to 4.1.3 #476
- [chore] Route import_info fix #506
- [chore] Fix logs related to import (root_hash, import_hash) #503
- [chore] Improve reading smart contract test coverage #460
- [chore] Add import hash to response #499
- [chore] Suppress bugsnag info messages #492
- [chore] Fix wallets in XML examples #487
- [chore] Update XML examples with valid wallets #486
Bug Fixes:
- [bug] Fix fingerprint double response #521
- [bug] NODE_WALLET as an ENV variable #519
- [bug] CORS headers #508
- [bug] Fix formatting of fingerprint route #505
- [bug] Write import_hash to blockchain #504
- [bug] Handle recover for adding bid #502
- [bug] Import info route implementation #500
- [bug] Fix DH import data #498
- [bug] Decrease parallelism for command executor #493
- [bug] Import content fix #490
- [bug] Kadence contact hostname #485
- [bug] Fix ip address retrieval #482
- [bug] Register new bootstraps #474