All content is provided under the Arma and Dayz Public License Share Alike (ADPL-SA) License. The original source for ModularVestSystem belongs to DaddyPrapor and may not be devrived from. This pack includes additions for custom textures and modifications to the MVS System, but does not include that content.
Note: You must install ModularVestSystem along side this mod to work.
This version of the Desert Camo for Modular Vest System mod was developed by tluth001 and RedFalconKen using the latest DayZ Patch.
This version of Desert Camo provides Desert Fatigue clothing with Digital, Multicam and Desert patterns. This offers the included patterns for the following items:
- Belts
- Canteens
- Caps (Boonie, Cap, Flatcap)
- Comtacs
- Helmets (MVS Warrior)
- Clothing (Combat Pants, Combat Shirt)
- Vests (MVS-Vest, MVS-Vest-Heavy, ChestRig)
- Attachments (Taco, Sheath, Heavy Pouch)
Future Additions
- Bags
- Helmets (All)
- Attachments (Admin Pouches, Magazine Pouches, Utility Pouches, Medical Pouches, Molle Panel)
Updated August 2021