Initialize rancher 2 with terraform
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aws configure
cd digitalocean/rancher
cp example.env .env and fill in the keys
make init
make apply
cd digitalocean/cluster
cp example.env .env and fill in the keys.
make init
make apply
Set the variables the .env file
source .env
terraform init
terraform state push .terraform/terraform.tfstate
terraform apply
If anything fails during the deployment, make sure you destroy before trying again.
terraform destroy
You may also need to remove nodes
iam instance profile.
aws iam delete-instance-profile --instance-profile-name nodes
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Jam Risser © 2018
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- Jam Risser - Author
A ridiculous amount of coffee ☕ ☕ ☕ was consumed in the process of building this project.
Add some fuel if you'd like to keep me going!