What's Changed
- updated readme by @faisalnaveedRNS in #1582
- match shas and more rock by @MikeSofaer in #1583
- upgrade handler was renamed by @faisalnaveedRNS in #1663
- Huginn gentx by @Huginntech in #1666
- add_panxinyang_gentx by @xbdyhh in #1665
- Create Boris-gentx.json by @Boristech-beep in #1659
- gentx_Rich_invest by @makstravel in #1658
- Add AnyValid gentx by @bulgakovvlad in #1656
- Add MZONDER gentx by @maxzonder in #1655
- Add silent gentx by @silentnoname in #1653
- Add Goooodnes GenTx by @goooodnes in #1650
- Nodejumper gentx by @hdmiimdh in #1649
- Create MCB.json by @alipostaci2001 in #1647
- Create bitszn-gentx.json by @alxnode in #1646
- gentx-misteryspeh.json by @recruitabx in #1645
- Pro-Nodes | SW33 gentx by @svv28 in #1644
- add serfeklino gentx by @feklino218 in #1641
- Add alenkaboom GenTX by @mycryptoabs in #1640
- add absnode gentx by @absorberch in #1638
- Create openbitlab.json mainnet-1 by @openbitlab2 in #1571
- gentx-jayjay.json by @jwelrynewone in #1635
- Add vbloher gentx by @vbloher in #1634
- Create n0ok[MC].json by @n0okOne in #1633
- add punq gentx by @empatim in #1632
- Gentx_PPNV_Service.json by @sergiomateiko in #1631
- Add Vanlee gentx by @Vanlee-S in #1630
- Testapp cleanup by @afti-githobo in #1539
- Added File extension on Chain (Easel & Wallet) by @ahmadrns in #1532
- Seaman1247 gentx by @Seaman1247 in #1628
- add cryptobtcbuyer gentx.json by @cryptobtcbuyer in #1627
- Add medium gentx by @mediumwe11 in #1625
- 4sv gentx by @shivlim in #1624
- Create gentx-legion.json by @Duality84 in #1623
- Add StingRay gentx by @MikhailRadusha in #1622
- Add sashamaxymchuk gentx by @sashamaxymchuk in #1621
- StakeAngle gentx by @Cryptoperchik in #1620
- Qubelabs gentx by @qubelabsio in #1619
- kallen gentx by @Kallen-c in #1618
- Add wombat gentx by @wombatqq in #1617
- Add files via upload by @kl0ndikeeth in #1615
- add gentx by @dreamstaker in #1614
- OranG3cluB's genTX by @Vasya-kripto in #1613
- Shoni gentx by @Shoni-O in #1611
- Add kaygal gentx by @khutoryansky in #1667
- Create gentx-levedevaekm.json by @lebedevaekm in #1660
- Add MTnode gentx by @mt2721 in #1609
- NullId gentx upload by @saygoodbye311 in #1608
- Create Gentx NodeStake.json by @nodestake in #1607
- TAKESHI gentx.json by @takeshi-val in #1605
- Add bdn gentx by @botd0tnet in #1604
- Add SerGo gentx by @CrazySerGo in #1603
- Gentx by STAVR by @obajay in #1602
- azstake gentx by @nhhtrung in #1601
- NG gentx fix $ROCK amount by @kinrokinro in #1598
- Add Army IDs Gentx by @armyids in #1597
- Create oxes.json by @ASergijenko in #1596
- Alphabet gentx by @Northa in #1593
- Add gentx Validator.run by @ardapda in #1590
- Create MMS-gentx.json by @nochanc3 in #1589
- add KingSuper gentx by @aditya-manit in #1568
- add stakingcabin gentx by @richard-stakingcabin in #1643
- Create LavenderFive-gentx.json by @reversesigh in #1586
- cyberG gentx by @Vgk88 in #1636
- add cyberomanov gentx. by @cyberomanov in #1629
- Stake-Take gentx by @StakeTake in #1594
- Add Tigoo GenTx by @OlegBirkoff in #1662
- Brightlystake gentx by @Staking7pc in #1599
- Create Bazilik gentx by @EcaterinaSm in #1664
- Add BlockHunters gentx by @blockhunters-dev in #1595
- Create Gentx-AlxVoy.json by @Voynitskiy in #1592
- Create gentx-5063cebecfcc41e1b2f2201df9e3506569fa5fb0.json by @DKIzverg in #1657
- Create Darvin.json by @Danil00524 in #1639
- BVS gentx by @Bela1401 in #1616
- Add files via upload by @Dedok1 in #1610
- add iurii2002 gentx by @iurii2002 in #1668
- Add web3validator GENTX by @web3validator in #1637
- Yurbason gentx file by @Yurbason in #1587
- Create SimplyStaking.json by @franono in #1570
- Add jabbey gentx by @joeabbey in #1591
- Create gentx BuilderNode.json by @kooric in #1606
- gentx-UniqLabs.json by @uniqlabsorg in #1669
- Create Enigma-gentx.json by @Enigma-Validator in #1670
- linter fixed by @ahmedrns in #1681
- genesislab gentx by @ahmedrns in #1695
- persistent peers added by @ahmedrns in #1697
- updated genesis file by @faisalnaveedRNS in #1696
- Improvement: Added the platform based abstraction for the dart sdk by @kjawadDeveloper2 in #1673
- Add seed node to mainnet by @dylanschultzie in #1698
- Added drawer in wallet by @ahmadrns in #1679
- Added accept policy screen by @ahmadrns in #1361
- Redesign free drop button by @ahmadrns in #1520
- randomness_demo recipe fixed by @ahmedrns in #1708
- upgrade v7 added: burn bedrock token by @ahmedrns in #1707
- Test cases was added for AfterEpochEnd function by @AbdulSamad876 in #1429
- cel variables fixed by @ahmedrns in #1711
- Updated the User experience of the android app by @kjawadDeveloper2 in #1712
- payment processor added to upgrade by @ahmedrns in #1724
- added bedrock distrubution by @faisalnaveedRNS in #1710
- Flavors added by @kjawadDeveloper2 in #1421
- Added the pylons loading animation by @kjawadDeveloper2 in #1725
- 2.) Upload (new audio icon) #1395 by @Kamran-Khan-Gene in #1514
New Contributors
- @Huginntech made their first contribution in #1666
- @xbdyhh made their first contribution in #1665
- @Boristech-beep made their first contribution in #1659
- @makstravel made their first contribution in #1658
- @bulgakovvlad made their first contribution in #1656
- @maxzonder made their first contribution in #1655
- @silentnoname made their first contribution in #1653
- @goooodnes made their first contribution in #1650
- @hdmiimdh made their first contribution in #1649
- @alipostaci2001 made their first contribution in #1647
- @alxnode made their first contribution in #1646
- @recruitabx made their first contribution in #1645
- @svv28 made their first contribution in #1644
- @feklino218 made their first contribution in #1641
- @mycryptoabs made their first contribution in #1640
- @absorberch made their first contribution in #1638
- @openbitlab2 made their first contribution in #1571
- @jwelrynewone made their first contribution in #1635
- @vbloher made their first contribution in #1634
- @n0okOne made their first contribution in #1633
- @empatim made their first contribution in #1632
- @sergiomateiko made their first contribution in #1631
- @Vanlee-S made their first contribution in #1630
- @Seaman1247 made their first contribution in #1628
- @cryptobtcbuyer made their first contribution in #1627
- @mediumwe11 made their first contribution in #1625
- @shivlim made their first contribution in #1624
- @Duality84 made their first contribution in #1623
- @MikhailRadusha made their first contribution in #1622
- @sashamaxymchuk made their first contribution in #1621
- @Cryptoperchik made their first contribution in #1620
- @qubelabsio made their first contribution in #1619
- @Kallen-c made their first contribution in #1618
- @wombatqq made their first contribution in #1617
- @kl0ndikeeth made their first contribution in #1615
- @dreamstaker made their first contribution in #1614
- @Vasya-kripto made their first contribution in #1613
- @Shoni-O made their first contribution in #1611
- @khutoryansky made their first contribution in #1667
- @lebedevaekm made their first contribution in #1660
- @mt2721 made their first contribution in #1609
- @saygoodbye311 made their first contribution in #1608
- @nodestake made their first contribution in #1607
- @takeshi-val made their first contribution in #1605
- @botd0tnet made their first contribution in #1604
- @CrazySerGo made their first contribution in #1603
- @obajay made their first contribution in #1602
- @nhhtrung made their first contribution in #1601
- @armyids made their first contribution in #1597
- @Northa made their first contribution in #1593
- @ardapda made their first contribution in #1590
- @nochanc3 made their first contribution in #1589
- @aditya-manit made their first contribution in #1568
- @richard-stakingcabin made their first contribution in #1643
- @reversesigh made their first contribution in #1586
- @Vgk88 made their first contribution in #1636
- @StakeTake made their first contribution in #1594
- @OlegBirkoff made their first contribution in #1662
- @Staking7pc made their first contribution in #1599
- @EcaterinaSm made their first contribution in #1664
- @blockhunters-dev made their first contribution in #1595
- @Voynitskiy made their first contribution in #1592
- @DKIzverg made their first contribution in #1657
- @Danil00524 made their first contribution in #1639
- @Bela1401 made their first contribution in #1616
- @Dedok1 made their first contribution in #1610
- @iurii2002 made their first contribution in #1668
- @web3validator made their first contribution in #1637
- @Yurbason made their first contribution in #1587
- @franono made their first contribution in #1570
- @kooric made their first contribution in #1606
- @uniqlabsorg made their first contribution in #1669
- @Enigma-Validator made their first contribution in #1670
- @dylanschultzie made their first contribution in #1698
Full Changelog: v1.1.1...v1.1.2