CLI tool to detect Go router stale routes in a Cloud Foundry deployment.
See documentation about the description of the issue and fix available.
cf-stale-route-detector [OPTIONS] detect [detect-OPTIONS]
This command detects stale route using gorouter routing table and Diego actual LRPs exports.
Application Options:
-v, --version prints the om release version
Help Options:
-h, --help Show this help message
[detect command options]
--routing-table= Gorouter routing table export
--actual-lrps= Diego actual LRPS export
--desired-lrps= Diego desired LRPS export
--verbose print details about stale route(s)
The routing table and actual lrps flags are required. Desired lrps is optional, if it is provided the --verbose
flag would output additional information about the application running in diego.
The detect command exit code is 0
when no stale routes have been detected. In the case stale route have been detected the exit code is 1
$ bosh ssh router -c 'sudo /var/vcap/jobs/gorouter/bin/retrieve-local-routes > /tmp/routes.json'
$ bosh scp router:/tmp/routes.json "((instance_id))"
$ bosh ssh diego_cell/0 -c '. /etc/profile.d/ && /var/vcap/packages/cfdot/bin/cfdot desired-lrps > /tmp/desired-lrps.json && /var/vcap/packages/cfdot/bin/cfdot actual-lrps > /tmp/actual-lrps.json'
$ bosh scp diego_cell/0:/tmp/desired-lrps.json .
$ bosh scp diego_cell/0:/tmp/actual-lrps.json .