This Blender plugin (add-on) allows you to import/export files in OpenCTM file format.
Supported versions: 4.2 LTS, 3.6 LTS (Windows only atm)
- Meshdata
- UV Coordinates
- Color Data (attributemap with name 'Color' with data RGBA)
- Meshdata
- UV Coordinates
- Normals
- Color Data (attributemap with name 'Color' with data RGBA)
- Blender > Edit > Preferences > Add-Ons > Install from disk > .zip file
- Download from the release tags here on GitHub
- To import: File > Import > OpenCTM (.ctm)
Note Some probles that might occur
- Normals might be flipped, fix it by force a recalculate normals in Blender.
Blender 4.2.0 uses python 3.11 specifically, so use that to install bpy and create a virtualenv for if you want to have IDE autocompletions and such:
python3.11 -m venv venv
venv/bin/pip install bpy blender-stubs
Build the addon .zip file:
It will give 2 zip files, one for addon (3.6), the other is the extensions system (4.2)
Install dev build:
- Blender > Edit > Preferences > Add-Ons > Install from disk > .zip file (4.2 extension zip file)
- Blender > Edit > Preferences > Add-ons > Install > .zip file ( 3.6 addon zipfile)
Plugin prepackages OpenCTM.dll (df04ff1b749e0c66ad72882cc9bccf01 MD5) lib. If you do not trust this file (it is unmodified). You are free to get your own at sourceforge or compile source yourself
Some credits to the repos/developer that gave me inspiration/head-start by doing most heavy lifting for me.