You can either run this in a docker container, or run it on a Ubuntu 16.04 with ROS kinetic installed. In any case the your machine or the docker HOST machine needs to have the ftdi drivers installed.
gunzip libftd2xx-x86_64-1.3.6.tgz
tar xvf libftd2xx-x86_64-1.3.6.tar
cp -r ./release/build/lib* /usr/local/lib
ln -s /usr/local/lib/ /usr/local/lib/
chmod 0755 /usr/local/lib/
cp ./release/ftd2xx.h /usr/local/include
cp ./release/WinTypes.h /usr/local/include
ldconfig -v|grep ftd2xx
sudo cp 30-ftdi.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
When you are doing it in docker use the following command after adjusting the paths to point to the repositories.
docker run --rm -ti --privileged -v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb -v ~/Development/Roboy/myo_blink/:/cm_workspace/src/myo_blink -v ~/Development/Roboy/flexrayusbinterface/:/cm_workspace/src/flexrayusbinterface -v ~/Development/Roboy/common_utilities/:/cm_workspace/src/common_utilities ros:kinetic /bin/bash
Once you are inside the container or
if you are running 16.04 and kinetic directly run through the following commands
apt-get update
apt-get install -y wget cmake
mkdir -p catkin_workspace/src
cd catkin_workspace/src
git clone
git clone
git clone
cd .. # you should be in catkin_workspace
Update the serial number in the yaml config file in .../myo_blink/config
to match the serial of your FTDI device.
i.e. line 2:
Adapt other parameters in the yaml file to your liking.
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch myo_blink myo_blink.launch
rostopic echo -c /myo_blink/muscles/biceps
Please note, that nothing will be published on these topics before you have sent any command to the motor!
Control mode (action):
- 'move to' - PositionController
- 'move with' - VelocityController
- 'keep' - Effort / ForceController
rosservice call /myo_blink/move "biceps
action: 'move to'
setpoint: 10.0"
- Position controller ('move to' command) expects the setpoint in radians
- actuatorPosition and tendonDisplacement are displayed in encoder ticks
- 1 rad ~ 17275 ticks