Google page rank
pip install RGPageRank
from RGPageRank import PageRank
You may pass either directory name or dictionary with data as a first (data) parameter to the new object:
dir_pg = PageRank('directory_name', recursive=True, truncate_extension=True)
- directory_name - can be either absolute path to a directory or relative path, in the second case the script will use path of the script where the script file contains
- recursive - read nested directories or not
- truncate_extension - truncate extensions of the files
Each file name inside the directory is a node name and content are the corresponding data:
- test.txt
- test1.txt
- nested_dir:
- test2.txt
- test.txt
So it will be: {'test': 'test data', 'test1': 'test1 data', 'test2': 'test2 data'}
If there are files with the same name the content of the files will be merged, so the dict above will contain data from 'dir/test.txt' and 'dir/nested_dir/test.txt' for the 'test' key
dict_pg = PageRank({'Jimmy': 'Hello John and Carl, Carl', 'Carl': 'Hi John', 'John': 'Sup Jimmy and Carl'})
To get page rank for the data use either 'page_rank()' or 'sorted_page_rank()'
There are also two helper classes: DictTransformer and DirectoryTransformer which is actually transform a given data to a directed graph you may use it to get the graph and do something with it or draw the graph
from RGPageRank import DictTransformer
from RGPageRank import DirectoryTransformer
dir_transformer = DirectoryTransformer('directory_name', recursive=True, truncate_extension=True)
dict_transformer = DirectoryTransformer({'Jimmy': 'Hello John and Carl, Carl', 'Carl': 'Hi John', 'John': 'Sup Jimmy and Carl'})