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healthcare (3)


About Prixilium:

Prixilium is a healthcare application (Online Appointment Management System) that provides a service to make an online doctors appointment. Every patient that logins is able to make an appointment by filling in the form with required fields and sumbiting it. Then a doctor will make a report of the appointment which a patient will be able to see, but not edit.

Benefits of an online healthcare appliation:

  • Time-saving
  • Monetary-saving
  • Less exposure to the risk of virus infection

Тhe main idea:

Prixilium is based on two simple forms that the user/patient is able to send in order to make an appointment. When registered a user is provided two options on the home page to make an appointment and to find a doctor. Therefore, forms that enable the users to schedule an appointment and listing that show all the doctors available to perform examinations or advice, represent the logical part. Regarding the doctor’s report functionalities are also established, but access is given to every user that logs in

List of used technologies:

  • Laravel 8
  • Phpstorm
  • Vue.js
  • Bootstrap 5


The project was installed in Laravel - version 8 and developed in PhpStorm code editor. Back-end solutions were provided and performed by using Laravel documentation (Laravel, 2021).

For the design, I used Bootstrap by adding a Php artisan ui vue –auth extension in Laravel, which was optimal for this choice since Vue.js is using Bootstrap by default. Regarding JavaScript, Progressive JavaScript Framework Vue.js (Vue.js, 2021) served as a fitting framework. I used it in order to display listings of doctors and departments from my database.

In the picture below are the examples of Doctors.vue and Departments.vue files I where the pattern scheme of the design was formatted, and with mounted method and Axios HTTP client I connected the front-part with my database.

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