Converter to expand network graphics from the Netzgrafik-Editor into timetables for the entire service day in different formats, as for example GTFS static or MATSim transit schedules.
Run the command line tool to convert a network graphic to either a GTFS or MATSim timetable:
Usage: convert [-htV] [-e=<serviceDayEnd>] [-f=<outputFormat>]
[-i=<stopFacilityCsv>] [-r=<rollingStockCsv>]
[-s=<serviceDayStart>] [-v=<validationStrategy>]
<networkGraphicFile> <outputDirectory>
Converts network graphics into timetables in various formats.
<networkGraphicFile> The network graphic file to convert.
<outputDirectory> The output directory for the converted timetable.
-e, --service-day-end=<serviceDayEnd>
Service day end time (HH:mm).
-f, --format=<outputFormat>
Output format (GTFS or MATSim).
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-i, --stop-facility-csv=<stopFacilityCsv>
File which contains the coordinates of the stop
-r, --rolling-stock-csv=<rollingStockCsv>
File which contains the vehicle types to be mapped
to network graphic categories.
-s, --service-day-start=<serviceDayStart>
Service day start time (HH:mm).
-t, --train-names Use train names as route or line IDs (true/false).
-v, --validation=<validationStrategy>
Validation strategy (SKIP_VALIDATION,
-V, --version Print version information and exit.
Since the Netzgrafik-Editor does not provide information about the coordinates of nodes or rolling stock (vehicle types) serving a category, this information can optionally be provided through CSV files.
# configure paths
# output format: GTFS or MATSIM
# optional CSV repositories
# run the Spring command line runner app to convert to GTFS / MATSim format
./mvnw spring-boot:run -pl app$ARGS
In most cases, the repositories for infrastructure, rolling stock, and vehicle circuits used by the supply builder will be custom. To configure the converter with these custom repositories, inject them into the supply builder of the selected timetable output format (refer to the Design section for details) and run the conversion:
public class Example {
public static final Path NETWORK_GRAPHIC_FILE = Path.of("path/to/networkGraphic.json");
public static final Path OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = Path.of("path/to/outputDirectory");
public static final NetworkGraphicConverterConfig CONFIG = NetworkGraphicConverterConfig.builder().build();
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
// define network graphic source
NetworkGraphicSource source = new JsonFileReader(NETWORK_GRAPHIC_FILE);
// instantiate custom implementations of the repositories
RollingStockRepository customRollingStockRepository = new CustomRollingStockRepository();
InfrastructureRepository customInfrastructureRepository = new CustomInfrastructureRepository();
VehicleCircuitsPlanner customVehicleCircuitsPlanner = new CustomVehicleCircuitsPlanner(
// convert to GTFS
setupGtfsConverter(customInfrastructureRepository, customVehicleCircuitsPlanner, source).run();
// convert to MATSim
setupMatsimConverter(customInfrastructureRepository, customVehicleCircuitsPlanner, source).run();
private static NetworkGraphicConverter<Scenario> setupMatsimConverter(InfrastructureRepository customInfrastructureRepository, VehicleCircuitsPlanner customVehicleCircuitsPlanner, NetworkGraphicSource source) {
SupplyBuilder<Scenario> builder = new MatsimSupplyBuilder(customInfrastructureRepository,
ConverterSink<Scenario> sink = new TransitScheduleXmlWriter(Example.OUTPUT_DIRECTORY, "");
return new NetworkGraphicConverter<>(CONFIG, source, builder, sink);
private static NetworkGraphicConverter<GtfsSchedule> setupGtfsConverter(InfrastructureRepository customInfrastructureRepository, VehicleCircuitsPlanner customVehicleCircuitsPlanner, NetworkGraphicSource source) {
SupplyBuilder<GtfsSchedule> builder = new GtfsSupplyBuilder(customInfrastructureRepository,
ConverterSink<GtfsSchedule> sink = new GtfsScheduleWriter(Example.OUTPUT_DIRECTORY);
return new NetworkGraphicConverter<>(CONFIG, source, builder, sink);
The Maven project is structured into three modules: app
, lib
and test
A command-line application based on Spring Boot's CommandLineRunner
, which serves as the entry point for interacting
with the converter. The application module isolates the Spring Boot dependency.
The core functionality of the project is encapsulated in the library module, which provides the logic for reading, converting, and writing network graphic data. The library has a modular design (DI):
- converter: Reads a network graphic from a source, converts it, and writes to a sink.
- core: Converter logic and configuration.
- model: DTOs to read network graphic data from JSON.
- supply: A generic supply builder interface. Defines infrastructure and rolling stock repositories, as well as vehicle circuits planner interfaces used in the builder.
- validation: Network graphic ID validator and sanitizer.
- adapter: Format-specific transit schedule builder, implementing the supply builder interface.
- io: Provides implementations for network graphic sources and converter output sinks.
- utils: Utilities used across multiple domains.
- core: Converter logic and configuration.
The class diagram outlines core classes and their relationships:
Enables access to test case files and provides a JUnit Jupiter Extension for easy integration test directory path handling. Both the library and application modules depend on this module in the test scope.
This repository includes Contribution Guidelines that outline how to contribute to the project, including how to submit bug reports, feature requests, and pull requests. The Coding Standards outline best practices and rules to follow when coding. Details on releasing are described in the Release document.
This project is licensed under GNU GPL-3.0.
© 2024 Swiss Federal Railways SBB AG.