For make cross-chain transactions you need:
- Installed KiChain node (
) - Installed another Cosmos node with IBC (the following is Croeseid 3.1.0)
- Cosmos IBC relayer
Install relayer v1.0.0
git clone
cd relayer
make install
Initialize the relayer config
rly config init
Create KiChain config file
echo '{"chain-id":"kichain-t-4","rpc-addr":"","account-prefix":"tki","gas-adjustment":1.5,"gas-prices":"0.025utki","trusting-period":"10m"}' > $HOME/.relayer/config/kichain_config.json
Create Cro config file
echo '{"chain-id":"testnet-croeseid-4","rpc-addr":"'`grep -oPm1 "(?<=^laddr = \")([^%]+)(?=\")" "$HOME/.chain-maind/config/config.toml"`'","account-prefix":"tcro","gas-adjustment":1.5,"gas-prices":"0.025basetcro","trusting-period":"10m"}' > $HOME/.relayer/config/croeseid_config.json
Add chain configs from JSONs
rly chains add -f $HOME/.relayer/config/kichain_config.json
rly chains add -f $HOME/.relayer/config/croeseid_config.json
Create relayer wallets
rly keys add kichain-t-4 kichain_wallet > $HOME/rly_kichain_wallet.txt
rly keys add testnet-croeseid-4 cro_wallet > $HOME/rly_croeseid_wallet.txt
Save this files
echo $HOME/rly_kichain_wallet.txt
echo $HOME/rly_croeseid_wallet.txt
Link wallets to networks
rly chains edit kichain-t-4 key kichain_wallet
rly chains edit testnet-croeseid-4 key cro_wallet
Send tokens to Kichain and Cro wallets and check balances after that
rly query balance kichain-t-4
rly query balance testnet-croeseid-4
Initialize light clients
rly light init kichain-t-4 -f
rly light init testnet-croeseid-4 -f
Then generate paths
rly paths generate kichain-t-4 testnet-croeseid-4 kichain --port=transfer
rly paths generate testnet-croeseid-4 kichain-t-4 cro --port=transfer
Check correct configuration
rly chains list
0: kichain-t-4 -> key(✔) bal(✔) light(✔) path(✔)
1: testnet-croeseid-4 -> key(✔) bal(✔) light(✔) path(✔)
Open channels (wait for Channel created
rly tx link kichain
rly tx link cro
Send 1tki to Cro
rly tx transfer kichain-t-4 testnet-croeseid-4 1000000utki `rly keys show testnet-croeseid-4 cro_wallet` --path kichain
Send 1tcro to KiChain
rly tx transfer testnet-croeseid-4 kichain-t-4 1000000basetcro `rly keys show kichain-t-4 kichain_wallet` --path cro
Example of successful output
I[2021-09-12|23:44:57.052] ✔ [kichain-t-4]@{303033} - msg(0:transfer) hash(A7150C2D83EFF3B50CBAB6872B351213410B56C26E32128433B667865712EBD1)
You can check transaction in KiChain or Cro explorer