In this project, deep neural networks and convolutional neural networks are used to classify traffic signs. Specifically,we will train a model to classify traffic signs from the German Traffic Sign Dataset.A good resource can be found here Link.
- Jupyter Notebook: a IPython file containing project code.
- HTML file : a jupyter notebook exported as HTML for users.
- Project report : contains brief write up explaining the solution and approach to it.
- signnames.csv file : contains classid to description mapping of traffic signs that we may need for verifying.
- new_images : folder having images from web that I used for testing
- visualizations : folder containing visual images at each steps.
- while running on AWS instance please activate carnd-term1 environment and in that run "pip install opencv-python" if import cv2 gives error
- Use scp command to copy any files from local machine to AWS instance & vice versa and scp -rv for entire directory