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Recipes for data analysis of amplicon sequencing data

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Amplicon recipes

Recipes for data analysis of amplicon sequencing data

Available recipes:

  1. 16S rRNA gene amplicon pipeline (

1. 16S rRNA gene amplicon pipeline (

Data processing pipeline for 16S rRNA gene amplicon raw sequencing data


This pipeline depends on USEARCH and CUTADAPT.
The pipeline has been tested with USEARCH v.10.0.240 and CUTADAPT v.1.9.1.


  1. Clone this repository: git clone
  2. Add the script to your PATH by modifying your .bashrc file: export PATH="$PATH:<>"
  3. The pipeline requires USEARCH and CUTADAPT to be executable with the exact commands usearchand cutadapt. You can test that by typing both commands.
    If this does not work, you can add aliases to your .bashrc file. Use a text editor to add the lines alias usearch=<path_to_USEARCH> and alias usearch=<path_to_CUTADAPT> to your .bashrc file and source it: source ~/.bashrc.


The 16S rRNA gene amplicon pipeline processes demultiplexed pair-end fastq files and produces OTU/zOTU abundance tables through the following steps:

  1. Merging of pair-end reads.
  2. Quality filtering.
  3. Primer matching (optional but recommended).
  4. Dereplication.
  5. OTU clustering with the UPARSE algorithm (97% id).
  6. zOTU denoting with the UNOISE3 algorithm.
  7. Taxonomic annotation of OTUs and zOTUs against SILVA database with LCA approach (optional).
  8. Quantification of OTU and zOTU abundances.

Defined Community

If -ref is used for a defined community the pipeline processes demultiplexed pair-end fastq files and produces OTU abundance tables through the following steps:

  1. Merging of pair-end reads.
  2. Quality filtering.
  3. Primer matching (optional but recommended).
  4. Dereplication.
  5. Classification by alignment to reference strain sequences
  6. OTU clustering of unclassified reads with the UPARSE algorithm (97% id).
  7. Reclassification by alignment to reference strain sequences plus unclassified OTUs
  8. Taxonomic annotation of unclassified OTUs against SILVA database with LCA approach (optional).
  9. Quantification of reference strain and unclassified OTU abundances.


No primer sequences: will skip the primer matching. Only recommended if primer sequences have been already removed and reads trimmed. -input_f <input_folder> -output_f <output_folder> -db <path_to_SILVA_database.fasta>

Primer sequences present: will include the primer matching. Recommended if primer sequences have not been yet removed. -input_f ./data/ -output_f ./out -db <path_to_SILVA_database.fasta> -primerF <forward_primer> -primerR <reverse_primer> -threads <num_threads>

Example: using SILVA_128_SSURef_Nr99 database and the 515F-Y / 806RB primers for the V4 region: -input_f ./data/ -output_f ./out -db SILVA_128_SSURef_Nr99_tax_silva_trunc.fasta -primerF GTGYCAGCMGCCGCGGTAA -primerR ATTAGAWACCCBNGTAGTCC -threads 10


Mandatory options:

-input_f Path to input folder with demultiplexed raw reads fastq files. Files must start with the sample identifier. Sample identifier is taken from the FASTQ file name by truncating at the first underscore or period. R1 and R2 files for each sample must have the exact same file name but 'SampleID_R1.fastq' and 'SampleID_R2.fastq'.
-output_f Path to output folder.

General options:

-threads[1-N] Number of threads used (default=1)
-help Show this help


-pctid[0-100] Minimum percentage id of alignment (default=90)
-minoverlap [0-N] Discard pair if alignment is shorter than given value (default=16)

Quality filtering:

-maxee[0-N] Expected errors: discard reads with expected errors > maxee (default=0.1)
-minlength[0-N] Discard sequences with length < minlength (default=100)

Primer match: (skipped if -primerF or primerR options are missing)

-primerF Forward primer with IUPAC wildcard characters.
-primerR Reverse primer with IUPAC wildcard characters (reverse-complement needed).
-minprimfrac[0-1] Minimum fraction of the primer searched by cutadapt (default=1, i.e. the entire primer).
-maxmismatch[1-N] Number of mismatches allowed by cutadapt in each primer (default=0)


-minsize[0-1] Minimum sequence abundance to be considered (default=1, i.e. include singletons)

Taxonomical annotation: (skipped if -db option is missing)

-db Path to database for taxonomical annotation (SILVA db suggested:
-tax_id [0-1] Minimum identity for taxonomic search (default=0.90)

Defined community:

-ref Path to a fasta file of reference sequences for a defined community. If this option is given, only unclassifiable sequences will be de novo clustered.


The complete pipeline will produce the following output files:


report.txt Report of the whole pipeline with basic statistics


merged.fq Fastq file with merged reads
merging.log Logfile for the merging step


filtered.fa Fasta file with quality filetered reads
filtered_primermatch.fa Fasta file with reads matchin the primers
filter.log Logfile for the quality filtering step


uniques.fa Fasta file with de-replicated sequences
dereplication.log Logfile for the quality de-replication step

Clustering / Denoising:

otus_uparse.fa Fasta file with OTU representative sequences
otutab_uparse.* OTU table (3 available formats)
clustering.log Logfile for the UPARSE clustering step
make_otutab_uparse.log Logfile for the OTU table quantification step

otus_unoise.fa Fasta file with zOTU sequences
otutab_unoise.* zOTU table (3 available formats)
denoising.log Logfile for the denoising step
make_otutab_unoise.log Logfile for the zOTU table quantification step

Taxonomic annotation:

taxonomy_uparse_lca.txt Taxonomic annotation of OTUs
taxonomy_unoise_lca.txt Taxonomic annotation of zOTUs All hits to the taxonomic database for OTUs All hits to the taxonomic database for zOTUs
taxsearch_uparse.log Logfile for the OTU taxonomic annotation step
taxsearch_unoise.log Logfile for the zOTU taxonomic annotation step

Defined community:

initial_classification.txt Initial classification of sequences
otutab_initial_classified.* Initial OTU table (3 available formats)
unclassified_uniques.fa Fasta file with dereplicated unclassified sequences
otus_unclassified.fa Fasta file with unclassified OTU sequences
otutab_unclassified.txt OTU table for unclassified sequences
final_references.fa Reference strain sequences plus unclassified OTU sequences
final_classification.txt Final classification of sequences
otutab_final_classified.* Final OTU table (3 available formats) All hits to the taxonomic database for unclassified OTUs
taxonomy_unclassified_lca.txt Taxonomic annotation of unclassified OTUs
*.log Each step produces a relevantly named log file


Recipes for data analysis of amplicon sequencing data






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