Group: Jean-Luc Nacif Coelho - 2011049207 André Lloyd Harder - 2011048910
Makefile commands:
make: Copies relevant files to catkin workspace (must be in ~/catkin_ws) and runs catkin make.
make clean: Cleans up files from catkin workspace.
make run: Runs RRT algoritm with world 3. To change run settings modify Please note that no specification for make run was provided.
How to run:
1- Run roscore in the backgound. 2- Run stageros to set up world: rosrun stage_ros stageros [world_location] 3- Run the explorer rosrun tp2 explore [origin x] [origin y] [max x] [max y] [Sensitivity] e.g., the following will work with worlds 0, 1, 3 and 4: rosrun tp2 explore 2 2 25 25 0.25