In this repoitory you can find the final version of the REST.API template discussed at the seminar "RESTful Web API development with ASP.NET Core".
The easiest way to setup this project is to use Docker. There is a "docker_componse.yml" file at the root level where all required dependencies are enlisted and pre-configured (as this is the recommended approach, all parameters in the "appsettings.json" and "appsettings.Development.json" files are pre-defined).
All you have to do is execute a single command at the root level:
docker compose up -d
Having a Postman account would come you in handy as there is a global workspace where you shall find all requests you may ask for.
dotnet ef migrations add <migration_name> -s .\API\API.csproj -p .\Data.PostgreSql\Data.PostgreSql.csproj -- <connection_string> dotnet ef database update -s .\API\API.csproj -p .\Data.PostgreSql\Data.PostgreSql.csproj -- <connection_string>