Manage the history API cross-platform
Its a small abstraction for dealing with the History API in both browsers and on the server, built on top of most.js.
npm install --save prehistoric
Get ready to learn.. just 1 function!
I could go super in depth about this but lets just look at some code!
const { push, replace, go, history } = createHistory();
history.observe(console.log) // history is a stream!
push('/', { some: 'state' }) // similar to history.pushState, but state is optional
replace('/', { some: 'new_state' }) // similar to history.replaceState, state also optional
go(-1) // exactly like history.go!
push(path: string, state?: any)
Create a new location in the history stack.
replace(path: string, state?: any)
Replace the current location in the history stack.
go(amount: number)
Go forwards (positive integers) or backwards (negative integers) through the history stack.
history :: Stream<Location>
A stream of location objects.
interface Location {
path: string, // current path
hash: string, // current hash
state: any, // associated state object
queries: any, // query strings parsed into an object