5 - "Eels - Novocaine for the Soul" - 9th of August 2024
Has now 1807 functions, with 144 new ones
Note: requires at least Reaper 7.03 now!
new in this release:
ReaGirl - an accessible gui-library
One and a half years in the making, I've finally added ReaGirl, an accessible gui-library for Reaper. It allows you
to easily code your own guis with labels, checkboxes, buttons, drop down menus, sliders, images and tabs.
Open the docs with the action "ReaGirl_Help_Introduction_Concepts_Tutorials_Documentation.lua" to read, how to work with it. -
Preview MIDI-functions
You can preview now midi-notes, cc, pc and pitch in a certain track with dedicated functions for it. -
Lane functions
Various functions around the new track-lane-features of Reaper. -
Project pos 2 Take-pos 2 Project pos
Functions to get the take-position at a certain project position and the project-position at a take position.
Used to be in there in an earlier version and reappear now, due to a bugfix in Reaper.
New features in 5
- Helpers: SplitReaperString - splits a Reaper-string into its components.
- Item: GetItemYPos - Returns position and height of the MediaItem in a fixed item lane/free item positioning.
- Items: MediaItem_GetAllVisibleTransients_ActiveTake - returns the number and positions of visible transients of the active take of a MediaItem.
- Lanes: GetTrackFixedLanesState - returns Fixed Lanes-state.
- Lanes: GetTrackLaneNameState - returns Lanes name-state.
- Lanes: GetTrackLaneRecState - returns Lanes rec-state.
- Lanes: GetTrackLaneSoloState - returns Lanes solo-state.
- Lanes: ItemLane_Count - returns the number of item-lanes in a track
- Lanes: ItemLane_GetAllMediaItems - returns the MediaItems from an item-lanes in a track between start_position and end_position
- Lanes: ItemLane_GetFromPoint - returns the MediaTrack and the item-lane at a screen-coordinate
- Lanes: ItemLane_GetPositionAndHeight - returns the position and height of an item-lanes in a track
- Markers: RippleCut_Regions_Reverse - ripple cuts regions before startposition and moves them towards project-end
- MIDI: PreviewMidiCCInTrack - previews a midi-cc in a specific armed track
- MIDI: PreviewMidiNoteInTrack - previews a midi-note in a specific armed track
- MIDI: PreviewMidiPCInTrack - previews a midi-pc in a specific armed track
- MIDI: PreviewMidiPitchInTrack - previews a midi-pitch in a specific armed track
- ReaGirl: AtEnter - Adds a function that shall be run when someone hits Enter while the gui is opened.
- ReaGirl: AutoPosition_SetNextUIElementRelativeTo - Set the auto-positioning starting point to the position of a certain ui-element.
- ReaGirl: Background_GetSetColor - Gets/Sets the color of the background.
- ReaGirl: Base64_Decoder - Converts a Base64-encoded string into a normal string.
- ReaGirl: Base64_Encoder - Converts a string into a Base64-Encoded string.
- ReaGirl: Button_Add - Adds a button to a gui.
- ReaGirl: Button_GetDisabled - Gets a button's disabled(non clickable)-state.
- ReaGirl: Button_GetRadius - Gets a button's radius.
- ReaGirl: Button_SetDisabled - Sets a button as disabled(non clickable).
- ReaGirl: Button_SetRadius - Sets the radius of a button.
- ReaGirl: Checkbox_Add - Adds a checkbox to a gui.
- ReaGirl: Checkbox_GetCheckState - Gets a checkbox's current checked-state.
- ReaGirl: Checkbox_GetDisabled - Gets a checkbox's disabled(non clickable)-state.
- ReaGirl: Checkbox_SetCheckState - Sets a checkbox's state of the checkbox.
- ReaGirl: Checkbox_SetDisabled - Sets a checkbox as disabled(non clickable).
- ReaGirl: Checkbox_SetWidth - sets width of a checkbox, which helps you with autopositioning
- ReaGirl: DropDownMenu_Add - Adds a dropdown-menu to a gui.
- ReaGirl: DropDownMenu_GetDimensions - Gets the width of a drop down menu.
- ReaGirl: DropDownMenu_GetDisabled - Gets a dropdown-menu's disabled(non clickable)-state.
- ReaGirl: DropDownMenu_GetMenuItems - Gets a dropdown-menu's menu-items and the index of the currently selected menu-item.
- ReaGirl: DropDownMenu_SetDimensions - Sets the width of a dropdownmenu.
- ReaGirl: DropDownMenu_SetDisabled - Sets a drop down menu as disabled(non clickable)-state.
- ReaGirl: DropDownMenu_SetMenuItems - Sets a dropdown-menu's menuitems and the index of the currently selected menu-item.
- ReaGirl: Ext_Tab_SetSelected - sets a tab of specific ReaGirl-gui-window focused
- ReaGirl: Ext_Window_Focus - sets focus to an opened ReaGirl-gui-window
- ReaGirl: Ext_Window_GetState - gets the position, current dimensions and dock-state of an opened/previously opened ReaGirl-window
- ReaGirl: Ext_Window_IsOpen - gets, if a specific ReaGirl-gui-window is currently opened
- ReaGirl: Ext_Window_ResetToDefault - resets a ReaGirl-Gui-Window to its default dimensions and dockstate
- ReaGirl: Ext_Window_SetState - gets the current dimensions and dock-state of an opened/previously opened ReaGirl-window
- ReaGirl: GetVersion - Returns the version-number of the installed ReaGirl.
- ReaGirl: Gui_AtExit - Adds a function that shall be run when the gui is closed with reagirl.Gui_Close()
- ReaGirl: Gui_Close - Closes the gui-window.
- ReaGirl: Gui_ForceRefresh - Forces a refresh of the gui.
- ReaGirl: Gui_GetBoundaries - Returns the current boundaries of the ui-elements. Means, from 0 to the the farthest ui-element-width/height at right/bottom edge of the gui-window.
- ReaGirl: Gui_IsOpen - Checks, whether the gui-window is open.
- ReaGirl: Gui_Manage - Manages the gui-window.
- ReaGirl: Gui_New - Creates a new gui by removing all currently(if available) ui-elements.
- ReaGirl: Gui_Open - Opens a gui-window. If x and/or y are not given, it will be opened centered.
- ReaGirl: Gui_PreventCloseViaEscForOneCycle - Prevents the closing of the gui via esc-key for one defer-cycle.
- ReaGirl: Gui_PreventEnterForOneCycle - Prevents the user from hitting the enter-key for one cycle, so the run-function for the enter-key is not run in this cycle.
- ReaGirl: Gui_PreventScrollingForOneCycle - Prevents the scrolling of the gui via keyboard/mousewheel/swiping for this defer-cycle.
- ReaGirl: Image_Add - Adds an image to the gui. This image can run a function when clicked on it.
- ReaGirl: Image_ClearToColor - Clears the image with a set r-g-b-color. It also clears the previously loaded image-filename.
- ReaGirl: Image_GetDimensions - Gets the width and height of an image.
- ReaGirl: Image_GetDraggable - Gets the current draggable state of an image.
- ReaGirl: Image_GetImageFilename - Returns the filename of the currently loaded image.
- ReaGirl: Image_KeepAspectRatio - Set if the image shall keep its aspect ratio when shown.
- ReaGirl: Image_Load - Loads a new image-file of an existing image in the gui.
- ReaGirl: Image_ReloadImage_Scaled - Realoads an image.
- ReaGirl: Image_SetDimensions - Sets the width and height of an image.
- ReaGirl: Image_SetDraggable - Sets the current draggable state of an image.
- ReaGirl: Inputbox_Add - Adds an inputbox to a gui.
- ReaGirl: Inputbox_GetCursorOffset - Gets an inputbox's current cursor offset.
- ReaGirl: Inputbox_GetDisabled - Gets an inputbox's disabled(non clickable)-state.
- ReaGirl: Inputbox_GetPassword - gets an inputbox to show * instead of the text(for password entry, etc)
- ReaGirl: Inputbox_GetSelectedText - Gets an inputbox's currently selected text.
- ReaGirl: Inputbox_GetText - Gets an inputbox's current text.
- ReaGirl: Inputbox_SetDisabled - Sets an inputbox as disabled(non clickable).
- ReaGirl: Inputbox_SetEmptyText - Sets an inputbox's shown text when nothing has been input.
- ReaGirl: Inputbox_SetPassword - Sets an inputbox to show * instead of the text(for password entry, etc)
- ReaGirl: Inputbox_SetText - Sets a new text of an inputbox.
- ReaGirl: IsValidGuid - Checks, if guid is a valid guid. Can also be used for strings, that contain a guid somewhere in them(strict=false)
- ReaGirl: Label_Add - Adds a label to the gui.
- ReaGirl: Label_AutoBackdrop - sets a backdrop from label to underneath a specific ui-element
- ReaGirl: Label_GetAlignement - Gets the alignment of a label.
- ReaGirl: Label_GetDraggable - Gets the current draggable state of a label.
- ReaGirl: Label_GetBackdrop - Gets the backdrop of a label.
- ReaGirl: Label_GetFontSize - Gets the font-size of a label.
- ReaGirl: Label_GetStyle - Gets the style of a label.
- ReaGirl: Label_SetAlignment - Sets the font-size of a label.
- ReaGirl: Label_SetBackdrop - Sets the backdrop of a label.
- ReaGirl: Label_SetDraggable - Sets the current draggable state of a label.
- ReaGirl: Label_SetFontSize - Sets the font-size of a label.
- ReaGirl: Label_SetLabelText - Sets a new label text to an already existing label.
- ReaGirl: Label_SetStyle - Sets the style of a label.
- ReaGirl: Mouse_GetCap - Checks clickstate and mouseclick/wheel-behavior, since last time calling this function and returns their states.
- ReaGirl: NextLine - Starts a new line, when autopositioning ui-elements using the _add-functions.
- ReaGirl: ReserveImageBuffer - Reserves a framebuffer which will not be used by ReaGirl for drawing.
- ReaGirl: ResizeImageKeepAspectRatio - Resizes an image, keeping its aspect-ratio. You can set a background-color for non rectangular-images.
- ReaGirl: ScreenReader_SendMessage - sends a message to screen-reader users
- ReaGirl: Slider_Add - Adds a slider to a gui.
- ReaGirl: Slider_GetDefaultValue - Gets the current set value of the slider.
- ReaGirl: Slider_GetDimensions - Gets the width of a slider.
- ReaGirl: Slider_GetDisabled - Gets the current disability state of the slider.
- ReaGirl: Slider_GetEndValue - Gets the current set maximum-value of the slider.
- ReaGirl: Slider_GetStartValue - Gets the current set minimum-value of the slider.
- ReaGirl: Slider_GetValue - Gets the current set value of the slider.
- ReaGirl: Slider_ResetToDefaultValue - Resets the current set value of the slider to the default value.
- ReaGirl: Slider_SetDefaultValue - Sets the default value of the slider.
- ReaGirl: Slider_SetDimensions - Sets the width of a slider.
- ReaGirl: Slider_SetDisabled - Sets a slider disabled.
- ReaGirl: Slider_SetEndValue - Sets the maximum value of the slider.
- ReaGirl: Slider_SetStartValue - Sets the minimum value of the slider.
- ReaGirl: Slider_SetValue - Sets the current value of the slider.
- ReaGirl: Tabs_Add - Adds a tab to a gui.
- ReaGirl: Tabs_GetSelected - Gets the selected tab of a tabs-element.
- ReaGirl: Tabs_SetSelected - Sets the selected tab of a tabs-element.
- ReaGirl: Tabs_SetUIElementsForTab - Sets the ui-elements for a tab from a table.
- ReaGirl: UI_Element_GetFocusRect - gets the rectangle for focused ui-element. Can be used for custom ui-element, who need to control the focus-rectangle due some of their own ui-elements incorporated, like options in radio-buttons, etc.
- ReaGirl: UI_Element_GetFocused - Get the ui-element-guid, that is currently focused.
- ReaGirl: UI_Element_GetHovered - Get the ui-element-guid, where the mouse is currently.
- ReaGirl: UI_Element_GetSetCaption - gets/sets the caption of the ui-element
- ReaGirl: UI_Element_GetSetMeaningOfUIElement - gets/sets the meaningOfUI_Element of the ui-element, which will describe, how to use the ui-element to blind persons.
- ReaGirl: UI_Element_GetSetPosition - gets/sets the position of the ui-element
- ReaGirl: UI_Element_GetSetRunFunction - gets/sets the run_function of the ui-element, which will be run, when the ui-element is toggled
- ReaGirl: UI_Element_GetSetVisibility - gets/sets the hidden-state of the ui-element
- ReaGirl: UI_Element_GetSet_ContextMenu - gets/sets the context-menu and context-menu-run-function of a ui-element.
- ReaGirl: UI_Element_GetSet_DropZoneFunction - gets/sets the dropzone-run-function of a ui-element.
- ReaGirl: UI_Element_GetType - returns the type of the ui-element
- ReaGirl: UI_Element_IsElementAtMousePosition - returns, if ui-element with element_id is at mouse-position
- ReaGirl: UI_Element_Last_Element_Current_Position - Returns the x and y position as well as width and height of the last added ui-element.
- ReaGirl: UI_Element_Remove - Removes a ui-element.
- ReaGirl: UI_Element_SetFocusRect - sets the rectangle for focused ui-element. Can be used for custom ui-element, who need to control the focus-rectangle due some of their own ui-elements incorporated, like options in radio-buttons, etc.
- ReaGirl: UI_Element_SetFocused - Set an ui-element focused.
- ReaGirl: UI_Element_SetHiddenFromTable - Set ui-elements stored in a table to hidden or visible.
- ReaGirl: UI_Elements_OutsideWindow - returns, if any of the gui-elements are outside of the window and by how much.
- ReaGirl: Window_ForceSize_Maximum - Sets a maximum window size that will be enforced by ReaGirl.
- ReaGirl: Window_ForceSize_Minimum - Sets a minimum window size that will be enforced by ReaGirl.
- ReaGirl: Window_GetCurrentScale - Gets the current scaling-factor
- ReaGirl: Window_SetCurrentScale - Sets a new scaling-factor that overrides auto-scaling/scaling preferences
- ReaGirl: Window_SetFocus - Sets window focus back to the ReaGirl-gui-window.
- Rendering: CreateRenderCFG_RAW - Returns the render-cfg-string for the RAW-PCM-format. You can use this in ProjectStateChunks, RPP-Projectfiles and reaper-render.ini
- Rendering: CreateRenderCFG_RAW - creates a renderstring for RAW-renderformat
- Rendering: GetRenderCFG_Settings_RAW - Returns the settings stored in a render-cfg-string for RAW PCM.
- Rendering: GetRenderCFG_Settings_RAW - gets settings of a RAW-renderformat-renderstring
- Takes: GetProjectPosByTakeSourcePos - returns the project-position-representation of the source-position of a take.
- Takes: GetTakeSourcePosByProjectPos - returns the source-position of a take at a certain project-position. Will obey time-stretch-markers, offsets, etc, as well.
- Takes: TakeMarker_GetAllTakeMarkers - returns all take-markers of a MediaItem_Take, including project-position.
Changes from 4.9 to 5
- Developer Tools: State Inspector - restores the loaded slot when reopening; ini-file doesn't get overwritten anymore after updating US_API
- Developer Tools: Create_New_Script_With_Dialog.lua - uses ReaGirl now to do the gui, also accessible now
- Docs: open-docs-actions - didn't always open the docs -> fixed
- Editing: RippleCut - does now a standard fadein/out-time of 10ms; didn't move regions, markers and envelopes correctly -> fixed(thnx to lennardodavinci)
- Editing: RippleCut_Reverse - does now a standard fadein/out-time of 10ms; didn't move regions, markers and envelopes correctly -> fixed
- Envelopes: DeleteTrackEnvelopePointsBetween - inserts now envelope-points at "cut"-edges
- Envelopes: MoveTrackEnvelopePointsBy - didn't move first envelope-point in the envelope -> fixed
- Helpers: EditReaScript - allows now adding ReaGirl-basic structure to a script
- ProjectManagement: GetProject_RenderStems - added preserve startoffset and metadata-settings
- ProjectManagement: SetProject_RenderStems - added preserve startoffset and metadata-settings
- Rendering: AddRenderPreset - added preserve startoffset and metadata-settings
- Rendering: ApplyRenderTable_Project - added preserve startoffset and metadata-settings
- Rendering: ApplyRenderTable_ProjectFile - added preserve startoffset and metadata-settings
- Rendering: CreateNewRenderTable - added preserve startoffset and metadata-settings
- Rendering: GetRenderPreset - added preserve startoffset and metadata-settings
- Rendering: GetRenderTable_ProjectDefaults - added preserve startoffset and metadata-settings
- Rendering: SetRenderPreset - added preserve startoffset and metadata-settings
- UserInterface: GetHWND_ArrangeViewAndTimeLine - fixed possible edge-case bug that causes crashes of scripts