Java code for updating the database
is like a package.json file but it's used by Maven to compile Java.
####Install as a user only:
Download binary from
Add to ...Documents\Neo4j\default.graphdb\plugins Note: Windows has two plugin folders. Do NOT use the plugin folder at the installation directory. Create the folder if necessary.
Restart Neo4
####Helpful functions for checking it worked:
CALL dbms.procedures()
CALL dbms.functions()
call WL.CreateArgumentGroup([1243, 1254])
call WL.AttachArgumentGroup(1210, 1215, "SUPPORTS")
####Build binary:
Navigate to the root folder with the pom.xml file in your command window
run: mvn clean package
The target folder contains newly created original-WL-1.0.0
Coming soon
docker build -t my-maven -f .