【2023.12.15】We won Runner-Up in the Nippon Software Cup hosted by Shanghai University. Team members include Tianyu HUANG, Jun JIANG and Jianyu WU from SHU. The code is available at this link.
【2023.01.12】I achieved Outstanding Participation Award in the IAPR/IEEE Winter School on Biometrics 2023. And thanks to Yanhe BAI from BNU for the contributions to this project during the WSB Hands On session.
The dataset, containing 536 real face images, can be downloaded by the link.
Password: 20231215
Clone the repository first:
git clone https://github.com/xuejifang/dodgeball.git
Install the essential packages by:
pip install -r requirements.txt
mkdir checkpoints
cd checkpoints
Download the pre-trained models by the links, and put them into the checkpoints
broker_ip: "iot.taginator.cn" # MQTT broker IP
broker_port: 39683 # MQTT broker port
topic: "nssol/rtb/sensor1" # MQTT topic, optional "nssol/rtb/sensor1"
with file ./face_detect/face_recognize.py
Input: image(numpy array of w*h*3)
Return: face_postion, name, height_ratio, width_ratio
· face_position is a list of detected position of face ([[face1_x, face1_y],[face2_x, face2_y]...])
· name is a list of name of detected face, they are one-to-one correspondence
· height_ratio and width_ratio is the radio between the original pictiure and the resized picture, used for adjusting the detected face bounding box
Input: image(original), face_positions, names, body_points(the return of multi-object), height_ratio, width_ratio
Return: a picture with name and action tag over the detected face
- Subscribe MQTT
- Optimize
- Face Detection (YuNet)
- Face Recognition
- Skeleton Points Detection
- Pose Estimation
- Optimize
- Draw Skeleton and Face Detection Boxes
- Implement in C++
For online participants, you can try with default backend and CPU target in case you do not have Khadas VIM3. In this case, you can install opencv-python using pip: pip install opencv-python==
If you want to try TIM-VX backend and NPU target, you will need to compile OpenCV (https://github.com/fengyuentau/opencv/tree/timvx_backend_support) from source with Python Interface following this guide (https://gist.github.com/zihaomu/f040be4901d92e423f227c10dfa37650).
- 实现了一边人脸识别一边手势识别
- 默认使用
Demo 流程:
- 运行
- 发现检测到人脸为
- 对着摄像头做出
手势,进入到注册人脸系统 - 在终端根据要求,输入您的名字
- 键盘在英文模式下按下
键,保存人脸(可以多次保存) - 按下
键,退出注册系统 - 此时人脸检测系统会重新检索数据库,生成特征
- 最后可以进行人脸识别
- 按下
- 从人脸识别系统进入到人脸注册系统,是跳转过去的,会先关掉人脸识别系统的摄像头,又重新打开注册系统的摄像头;后期有时间再优化,将其融合在一起
- 人脸注册系统参考CSDN https://blog.csdn.net/qq_47281915/article/details/121317889,作者是使用了`dlib`库下的`frontal_face_detector`作为人脸的特征提取器;后期有时间再优化,统一成OpenCV下的模型
- 没有实现removing identities from database功能
- 没有尝试其他deep learning models
- 总的来说,代码堆叠的跟sh*t一样,后期有时间再封装优化