This is a clone of ProductHunt, where you can hunt for cool new game worlds to explore!
live at
MVP features:
Database Schema:
API Routes:
Front End Routes:
Javascript React Redux Node Express Sequelize Git Postman Postbird VSC
- Clone the repo from: [email protected]:YinYang117/GameWorld.git
- Then, run: npm i
- Create a postgresql user with createdb and password in psql. CREATE USER user-name WITH CREATEDB PASSWORD set-a-password
- Create a .env file in the backend directory based on the .env.example
- Enter your username and password information into your .env file along with your desired database name, a secured combination of character for your JWT_SECRET, and your desired PORT (typically 5000).
- Add the following proxy to your package.json file within your frontend directory, replacing or keeping the 5000 port to match your PORT config you set in your .env
- "proxy": "http://localhost:5000"
- Create Database, Migrate, and Seed models.
- npx dotenv sequelize db:create
- npx dotenv sequelize db:migrate
- npx dotenv sequelize db:seed:all
- Start the services in the backend:
- npm start
- Start the services in the frontend directory, which should open the project in your default browser. If not, head over to: http://localhost:3000
- npm start
- There is a demo user availible to test the features.
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