JQuery plugin to make HTML elements throwable
Create physical-like HTML objects in your browser
collisionDetection: true
* gravity: object {x:valueX,y:valueY}
* containment: define the limits where the object can be thrown
"window" is the default
"parent" the object will be contained inside the parent
you can specify custom containment by giving array [x1,y1,x2,y2]
* shape: define the shape of the object by default "box" and you can specify "circle"
* autostart: by default the effects start at mousemove
* drag: boolean to specify if the object will be draggable or not, by default it is true
* impulse: you can specify an impluse to apply on the object by giving an object
f: forceValue, // define the energy of the impluse (number)
p: pointDirection //define the direction on the impluse object like the gravity option
* bounce: define the bounce effect of the body (value between 0 and 1) default 0, no bounce
* damping: define the damping(*) effect value from 0 to infini, default 0
* areaDetection: specify an array of areas, that when an objet enter those areas the event inarea is fired
and outarea event fired when exiting
* collisionDectection : bool to activate or desactivate the collision detection
(*) : damping
* inarea : fired when an object enter and area specified in the option areaDetection
* outarea : fired when an object exit and area specified in the option areaDetection
* collision : fired when a collision happened between two objects
* nocollision : fired when there is no collision
* JQuery (of course it's a jquery plugin)
- Check out this simple demo here Octocats Demo
- Applying gravity per selection of elements Gravity per element
- An other demo Slider demo
- Demo of collision detection and area detection here
- Billard js Play Billard
- Mr. Doobs : http://mrdoob.com/92/Google_Gravity
- Alex Arnell's inheritance.js : http://code.google.com/p/inheritance/
- Box2Djs : http://box2d-js.sourceforge.net/
- JQuery-ui draggable : http://api.jqueryui.com/draggable/
You can test it by including this js link to your page
<script src="http://benahm.github.io/jquery.throwable/javascripts/jquery.throwable.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Or download the js file