Requires Python 3.7 or newer.
# in repository root directory
virtualenv -p python3 venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
For the assignments dealing with protein surface, a molecular surface calculator library, used by BioPython, has to be installed.
Go to and select your binary.
On linux, I had to extract the archive and for BioPython
to find it, I linked the binary to /usr/local/bin/msms
(should be in PATH under msms
sudo ln /path_to_extracted_archive/msms.x86_64Linux2.2.6.1 /usr/local/bin/msms
If you don't have jupyter notebook already installed you can install it for your Python, or for this virtualenv:
pip install notebook # (run either in the venv or not)
The repository includes a Python package at /assignments
. It contains the library functions as well as source code for all of the
Jupyter notebook /assignment_demos.ipynb
contains solutions for all the assignments, shows that the required tasks are completed,
comments on the solution and, if applicable, discusses the results.
The code in the notebook was compiled from the assignment solutions in the Python modules in /assignments
. They are located in if __name__ == '__main__':
blocks and also serve as example usage for the library functions in the module.
All assignments have their own package/module, except assignment 'Conservation determination from multiple aligned sequences', that
functionality is included in /assignments/clustal_parser
('Processing multiple sequence alignment').
Third party Python libraries used include BioPython (+ non-Python msms, molecular surface calculator), rmsd (Kabsch algorithm) and plotting libraries (matplotlib, seaborn).
Launch jupyter notebook
and open assignment_demos.ipynb
in the web interface
or check the examples at the end of the sources and run the modules. They import from other packages of this library (relative imports
), so
you have to run the modules with respect to the root package (root of the Python library). In the virtual environment, run python -m
e.g. assignments.structure_related_properties.lib
. Run this at the repository
root level.
The 'frontend' for this library is Python (possibly iPython notebooks). It's a good scripting language already and writing just a wrapper for shell commandline execution doesn't make sense for me.