From BKMoneyKit with some modifications that are not likely to be taken be the author, for example icon font support.
self.cardNumberField.logoLabels = @{
LFCreditCardCompanyNone: @"",
LFCreditCardCompanyVisa: @"",
LFCreditCardCompanyMasterCard: @"",
LFCreditCardCompanyAmericanExpress: @"",
self.cardNumberField.logoWidth = 32;
UILabel* label = [self.cardNumberField enableLogoLabel];
label.font = [UIFont fontWithName:@"font-icon" size:26];
label.textColor = [UIColor lightGrayColor];
iOS UI controls and formatters for entering money, credit card number and expiry date.
Card logo images by
Class | Description |
BKCardNumberField |
Subclass of UITextField that supports formatting card number. You can show card logo image by setting showsCardLogo to YES . |
BKCardNumberLabel |
Subclass of UILabel that displays formatted card number and card brand logo. You can mask card number by configuring cardNumberFormatter . |
BKCardNumberFormatter |
Subclass of NSFormatter. This class has card number pattern information inside and formats according to patterns. You can customize masking behavior, masking character and group separater character. |
BKCardExpiryField |
Subclass of UITextField that supports formatting card number expiry date. |
BKCurrencyTextField |
Subclass of UITextField that supports formatting money amount. You can change currency by changing the currencyCode property of numberFormatter . |
// create (you can also use interface builder)
BKCardNumberField *cardNumberField = [[BKCardNumberField alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 300, 40)];
cardNumberField.showsCardLogo = YES;
[self.view addSubview:cardNumberField];
// get card number
NSString *cardNumber = cardNumberField.cardNumber;
// get card company name
NSString *companyName = cardNumberField.cardCompanyName;
BKCardNumberLabel *cardNumberLabel = [[BKCardNumberLabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 300, 40)];
// set masking character. BLACK CIRCLE (0x25CF)
cardNumberLabel.cardNumberFormatter.maskingCharacter = @"●";
// masking second and third group.
cardNumberLabel.cardNumberFormatter.maskingGroupIndexSet = [NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndexesInRange:NSMakeRange(1, 2)];
BKCardExpiryField *field = [[BKCardExpiryField alloc] init];
// get month
NSInteger month = field.dateComponents.month;
// get year
NSInteger year = field.dateComponents.year;
BKCurrencyTextField *field = [[BKCurrencyTextField alloc] init];
// change currency
field.numberFormatter.currencyCode = @"KRW";
// get number value
NSDecimalNumber *number = field.numberValue;