Cropify is a full-stack single-page application that allows users to plan and visualize crop rotation for small scale farms and gardens. This user friendly application will serve as a valuable tool for farmers & gardeners to improve the sustainability and productivity of their harvests. It promotes responsible land management practices, reduces the need for chemical inputs, and contributes to long-term soil health.
- MongoDB/Mongoose
- Express
- React
- Node
- Third Party API
☐ Token Based authentication working
☐ Consume data from Perenual API
☐ Well styled, interactive front end
- AAU I want to be able to sign-up, log in, and log out
- AAU I want to search a database of crops
- AAU I want to fetch detailed information about a specific crop, including growth requirements based on hardiness zone
☐ Use Browser API to detect user location and show hardiness zone
☐ Use MapBox for data visualization
☐ Allow users to CRUD specific crop rotation plans
- Make addition API calls to Perenual
- Allow users to add queried plants to their user specific rotation plan
In progress
In progress